vaenow / cordova-plugin-app-update

App updater for Cordova/PhoneGap
MIT License
299 stars 147 forks source link

This plugin is a voilation against google policies, do not install this plugin #147

Open nagthgr8 opened 3 years ago

nagthgr8 commented 3 years ago

I recently got my app removed from the playstore due to violating Device & Network Abuse policy because the plugin cordova-plugin-app-update is used in my App.

This plugin does not seem to get uninstalled through command cordova plugin uninstall instead have to remove the platform andrioid & add it again quite a hell of work

I suggest admin to better discontinue this plugin & focus on something good of their hard work

nosTa1337 commented 3 years ago

I have created a script for google version to remove the necessary packages. We do have some non google customers, therefore this plugin is still good :)

Package json: "buildGoogle": "set GOOGLE=true && ionic cordova build android --prod --release", "buildNonGoogle": "set UPDATE= && ionic cordova build android --prod --release "

`if(process.env.GOOGLE) { var permissionsToRemove = [ "REQUEST_INSTALL_PACKAGES", "WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"];

var fs = require('fs');
var path = require('path');
var rootdir = "";
var manifestFile = path.join(rootdir, "platforms/android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml");

fs.readFile( manifestFile, "utf8", function( err, data )
    if (err)
        return console.log( err );

    var result = data;
    for (var i=0; i<permissionsToRemove.length; i++)
        result = result.replace( "<uses-permission android:name=\"android.permission." + permissionsToRemove[i] + "\" />", "" );

    fs.writeFile( manifestFile, result, "utf8", function( err )
        if (err)
            return console.log( err );
    } );
} );


Normie-Coder commented 3 years ago

I have created a script for google version to remove the necessary packages. We do have some non google customers, therefore this plugin is still good :

nosTa1337, Just to confirm. If users are using the plugin (with the above scripts) then the users wont be able to automatically download the app if the users got the app from the google playstore but can automatically download the app if the app is from a non google store?