vaeth / eix

eix can access Gentoo portage ebuild information and description very quickly (using a local cache). It can also be used to access information on installed packages, local settings, and local and external overlays, and informs about changes in the tree
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Include remote-id URls in HOMEPAGE or other field in `eix` output #105

Closed thesamesam closed 1 year ago

thesamesam commented 1 year ago

eix currently shows HOMEPAGE but not <remote-id> elements ( from metadata.xml:

$ eix minicoredumper
* sys-process/minicoredumper
     Available versions:  (~)2.0.1-r1 (~)2.0.2
     Description:         Core dump file processor

It'd be neat if it could include various remote-ids with the corresponding URLs to allow easily getting to e.g. corresponding github repos.

See also

krushia commented 1 year ago

I'd like to broaden the scope of this bug to include all <upstream/> elements. This includes <maintainer>, <changelog>, <doc>, <bugs-to>, and <remote-id>. As a lazy user I find <bugs-to> to be very handy.

vaeth commented 1 year ago

Won't fix: eix does not store or read metadata.xml, and there is no intention to do so. The HOMEPAGE data is taken from the ebuild.

heeplr commented 1 year ago

@vaeth eix is advertised as

eix is a tool for the Gentoo Linux portage system

I didn't realize it's scope is limited to .ebuild files until I encountered this issue. (metadata.xml files are an essential part of portage)

I really miss bugs-to / issue tracker URLs in eix since I enjoy it in F-Droid where changelogs, issue trackers, build metadata etc. are provided with a single click.

It really would be nice if eix could do something similar with ebuilds since it's already indexing some of the data an ebuild provides.

vaeth commented 1 year ago

The eix scope is even more limited than ebuild files: The scope of its database is essentially limited to portage metadata of the ebuild (actually even to a subset thereof) - the data which you find in $REPO/metadata/md5-cache or in the sqlite database of portage. The feature might be reconsidered if (but only if) parts of metadata.xml will be made available by portage in this metadata.