vaeth / eix

eix can access Gentoo portage ebuild information and description very quickly (using a local cache). It can also be used to access information on installed packages, local settings, and local and external overlays, and informs about changes in the tree
GNU General Public License v2.0
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--only-in-overlay does not work as expected #94

Closed asarubbo closed 2 years ago

asarubbo commented 2 years ago


I'm using --only-in-overlay since a while an it works for me.

For unknown reasons, today, with a new overlay (never used before) it does not work. The only difference I can see is that it has the first letter of the overlay name is uppercase:

~ $ portageq envvar PORTDIR_OVERLAY

~ $ eix -e dev-games/aseprite
* dev-games/aseprite
     Available versions:  1.1.6^t 1.1.9^mtd (~)1.1.13[1] (~)1.2.21[1] (~)1.2.29[1] (~)1.2.30[1] {bundled-libs debug gtk3 kde memleak system-allegro +system-curl +system-freetype +system-giflib +system-jpeg +system-libpng +system-libwebp +system-pixman +system-tinyxml +system-zlib test webp}
     Description:         Animated sprite editor & pixel art tool

[1] "Drauthius" /opt/Drauthius

$ eix -e dev-games/aseprite --only-in-overlay Drauthius
No matches found
vaeth commented 2 years ago

The package is not only in the overlay: It is also in the main repository.

asarubbo commented 2 years ago

ok, I confused with --in-overlay