vaeth / mv-overlay

The mv overlay for gentoo
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app-shell/push-3.4-r1 breaks eix #34

Closed slackline closed 1 year ago

slackline commented 1 year ago

Related to #27 I upgraded to app-shell/push-3.4-r1 yesterday and then eix reported..

 # eix-sync 
 * from is needed
 # eix app-shells/push
[U] app-shells/push
     Available versions:  3.4 3.4-r1(0/1)[1] {split-usr}
     Installed versions:  3.4(09:18:17 18/07/23)
     Description:         A POSIX shell function to treat a variable like an array, quoting args

[1] "mv" /var/db/repos/mv
 # genlop -s app-shells/push
 * matches found:

     Mon Jul 17 07:03:08 2023 >>> app-shells/push-3.4-r1
 eix app-portage/eix
[I] app-portage/eix
     Available versions:  0.36.6 0.36.7^m[1] (~)0.36.7 **99999999*l[1] {debug +dep doc +jumbo-build +meson nls optimization +protobuf +required-use security sqlite +src-uri strong-optimization strong-security swap-remote tools usr-portage CPU_FLAGS_X86="sse2" L10N="de ru"}
     Installed versions:  0.36.7(09:51:24 18/07/23)(nls sqlite -debug -doc)
     Description:         Search and query ebuilds

[1] "mv" /var/db/repos/mv

If I downgrade to app-shells/push-3.4 all is good again.

Apologies if I should have reported this in vaeth/push but since its the interplay between eix and push felt it fitted in here ok.

vaeth commented 1 year ago

Dupe of The gentoo ebuilds for eix and push both install in a broken way (although they work with each other). The versions from the mv overlay both install correctly, but won't work with the broken installations from the gentoo ebuilds.

slackline commented 1 year ago

Sorry, that was even one that I reported and I read before posting.

Both Portage and the mv overlay have app-portage/eix-0.36.7, I've tried unmerging and re-emerging but it always pulls in the portage version rather than the one from mv which then aligns with app-shells/push-3.4-r1 is there a way to force a package to be installed from an overlay if versions are the same? Is that why -r1 is appended to app-shells/push-3.4-r1?

vaeth commented 1 year ago

Is that why -r1 is appended to app-shells/push-3.4-r1?

Yes. It seems I should always do the same for eix and zram-init as well.

vaeth commented 1 year ago

You can explicitly choose the version from the overlay by appending ::mv.