Closed astromsshin closed 3 years ago
The following in is what I suggest to fix this issue. I confirm that this change fixes the issue.
dtypes = self[expressions].dtypes
n_samples = len(self)
if "header" in kwargs:
user_header = True
user_header = False
if "index" in kwargs:
user_index = True
user_index = False
for i1, i2, chunks in self.evaluate_iterator(expressions, chunk_size=chunk_size, selection=selection):
progressbar( i1 / n_samples)
chunk_dict = {col: values for col, values in zip(expressions, chunks)}
chunk_pdf = pd.DataFrame(chunk_dict)
if i1 == 0: # Only the 1st chunk should have a header and the rest will be appended
mode = 'w'
header = True
mode = 'a'
header = False
if user_header and user_index:
chunk_pdf.to_csv(path_or_buf=path, mode=mode, **kwargs)
elif user_header:
chunk_pdf.to_csv(path_or_buf=path, mode=mode, index=False, **kwargs)
elif user_index:
chunk_pdf.to_csv(path_or_buf=path, mode=mode, header=header, **kwargs)
chunk_pdf.to_csv(path_or_buf=path, mode=mode, header=header, index=False, **kwargs)
Thanks @astromsshin
@JovanVeljanoski what do you think? makes sense right?
Hi @maartenbreddels and @JovanVeljanoski , did you already have a chance to decide whether this will be integrated? I am currently also facing this when trying to set index=False in the export_csv method.
Coming soon!
I find a bug in the export_csv function which is implemented in
use_df.export_csv(outfn, header=False, quoting=None)
Software information
import vaex; vaex.__version__)
: 'vaex-core': '2.0.3', 'vaex-viz': '0.4.0', 'vaex-hdf5': '0.6.0', 'vaex-server': '0.3.1', 'vaex-astro': '0.7.0', 'vaex-jupyter': '0.5.2', 'vaex-ml': '0.9.0', 'vaex-arrow': '0.5.1'Additional information In,
causes a problem. The code needs changes that check where kwargs has header and index. If kwargs has header or index, header and index values should be the values provided in kwargs.