vaexio / vaex

Out-of-Core hybrid Apache Arrow/NumPy DataFrame for Python, ML, visualization and exploration of big tabular data at a billion rows per second 🚀
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Vaex with Pyinstaller #2395

Open fqking opened 1 year ago

fqking commented 1 year ago

Software information

Description My Python App is working fine with using Vaex package when application is launched with Python shell. However there are a lot errors when .exe created by Pyinstaller is running.

Additional information when the following function is called, I got error: 2023-09-29 15:20:26,093 | ThreadPoolExecutor-1_1 33812 | ERROR | Traceback (most recent call last): File "analysis_service\", line 41, in execute_operation File "analysis_service\", line 191, in _execute_query File "data_plot\", line 39, in vaexplot File "data_plot\", line 129, in vaexplot_histogram File "vaex\", line 288, in getattr AttributeError: 'DataFrameLocal' object has no attribute 'viz' 'DataFrameLocal' object has no attribute 'viz'

def vaexplot_histogram(df:vaex, param:HistogramPlotParam) ->np.ndarray: extra_label = "(log)" if param.IsLog else "" heatmap = df.viz.histogram(np.log10(df[param.Measure1]) if param.IsLog else df[param.Measure1], xlabel=param.Measure1+extra_label, limits=f'{param.Limits*100}%')

I tried hidden-import 'vaex'. The results are same. Did I miss anything? Thank you for your help! pyinstaller -D -y ......\Python\ -p ......\Python\ --distpath .\dist --hidden-import imagecodecs._imcd --hidden-import imagecodecs._shared --hidden-import imagecodecs._png --hidden-import imagecodecs._jpeg8 --hidden-import sklearn.metrics --hidden-import sklearn.metrics._pairwise_distances_reduction --hidden-import sklearn.metrics._pairwise_distances_reduction._datasets_pair --hidden-import sklearn.metrics._pairwise_distances_reduction._middle_term_computer --hidden-import skimage.feature --hidden-import --hidden-import=vaex --name CX.Analysis --icon=Analysis.ico --clean