vaffel / react-components

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Component library fails to show up #19

Closed esbullington closed 10 years ago

esbullington commented 10 years ago

I apologize in advance for submitting an issue for what is likely user error, but I included react-component in my list of npm keywords, published it to npm several days ago, and yet it fails to show up on react-components.

My package.json

What am I doing wrong?

rexxars commented 10 years ago

No need to apologize, this is actually our fault. The auto-retrieval of new packages seems to fail fairly often - we're working on a fix, but have been very busy lately. I've manually run an update and your package now shows up :-)


esbullington commented 10 years ago

Thanks, I appreciate it!

brigand commented 10 years ago

@rexxars in the mean time, you could put your manual update/restart in a cron script.