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【转】【Java之JavaSE】栈和队列 #22

Open vagabond1-1983 opened 8 years ago

vagabond1-1983 commented 8 years ago

栈(LIFO: Last In First Out) 的例子:字符串反转,分隔符检测 重要的是把栈的类构造好。

class StackX
   private int maxSize;        // size of stack array
   private long[] stackArray;
   private int top;            // top of stack
   public StackX(int s)         // constructor
      maxSize = s;             // set array size
      stackArray = new long[maxSize];  // create array
      top = -1;                // no items yet
   public void push(long j)    // put item on top of stack
      stackArray[++top] = j;     // increment top, insert item
   public long pop()           // take item from top of stack
      return stackArray[top--];  // access item, decrement top
   public long peek()          // peek at top of stack
      return stackArray[top];
   public boolean isEmpty()    // true if stack is empty
      return (top == -1);
   public boolean isFull()     // true if stack is full
      return (top == maxSize-1);
   }  // end class StackX

队列(FIFO: First In First Out): 放入值输出值

class Queue
   private int maxSize;
   private long[] queArray;
   private int front;
   private int rear;
   private int nItems;
   public Queue(int s)          // constructor
      maxSize = s;
      queArray = new long[maxSize];
      front = 0;
      rear = -1;
      nItems = 0;
   public void insert(long j)   // put item at rear of queue
      if(rear == maxSize-1)         // deal with wraparound
         rear = -1;
      queArray[++rear] = j;         // increment rear and insert
      nItems++;                     // one more item
   public long remove()         // take item from front of queue
      long temp = queArray[front++]; // get value and incr front
      if(front == maxSize)           // deal with wraparound
         front = 0;
      nItems--;                      // one less item
      return temp;
   public long peekFront()      // peek at front of queue
      return queArray[front];
   public boolean isEmpty()    // true if queue is empty
      return (nItems==0);
   public boolean isFull()     // true if queue is full
      return (nItems==maxSize);
   public int size()           // number of items in queue
      return nItems;
   }  // end class Queue

优先级队列 解决问题:算术表达式 先变化为后缀表达式,再进行计算。变化成后缀表达式会需要栈和优先级