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【转】【Java之JavaSE】单向链表 #23

Open vagabond1-1983 opened 8 years ago

vagabond1-1983 commented 8 years ago

单向链表 链表中的元素只含有一个指针 : next 需要随机访问下标用栈或队列,而作为频繁删除或添加的存储结构,用链表。 

其中 delete方法,需要再看。找到数据时, previous记录前一个记录,current记录当前。要注意判断 current是否为first 。然后再 =。如果不判断,current.next为空。 // // demonstrates linked list // to run this program: C>java LinkList2App

class Link
   public int iData;              // data item (key)
   public double dData;           // data item
   public Link next;              // next link in list
// -------------------------------------------------------------
   public Link(int id, double dd) // constructor
      iData = id;
      dData = dd;
// -------------------------------------------------------------
   public void displayLink()      // display ourself
      System.out.print("{" + iData + ", " + dData + "} ");
   }  // end class Link
class LinkList
   private Link first;            // ref to first link on list

// -------------------------------------------------------------
   public LinkList()              // constructor
      first = null;               // no links on list yet
// -------------------------------------------------------------
   public void insertFirst(int id, double dd)
      {                           // make new link
      Link newLink = new Link(id, dd); = first;       // it points to old first link
      first = newLink;            // now first points to this
// -------------------------------------------------------------
   public Link find(int key)      // find link with given key
      {                           // (assumes non-empty list)
      Link current = first;              // start at 'first'
      while(current.iData != key)        // while no match,
         if( == null)        // if end of list,
            return null;                 // didn't find it
         else                            // not end of list,
            current =;      // go to next link
      return current;                    // found it
// -------------------------------------------------------------
   public Link delete(int key)    // delete link with given key
      {                           // (assumes non-empty list)
      Link current = first;              // search for link
      Link previous = first;
      while(current.iData != key)
         if( == null)
            return null;                 // didn't find it
            previous = current;          // go to next link
            current =;
         }                               // found it
      if(current == first)               // if first link,
         first =;             //    change first
      else                               // otherwise, =;   //    bypass it
      return current;
// -------------------------------------------------------------
   public void displayList()      // display the list
      System.out.print("List (first-->last): ");
      Link current = first;       // start at beginning of list
      while(current != null)      // until end of list,
         current.displayLink();   // print data
         current =;  // move to next link
// -------------------------------------------------------------
   }  // end class LinkList
class LinkList2App
   public static void main(String[] args)
      LinkList theList = new LinkList();  // make list

      theList.insertFirst(22, 2.99);      // insert 4 items
      theList.insertFirst(44, 4.99);
      theList.insertFirst(66, 6.99);
      theList.insertFirst(88, 8.99);

      theList.displayList();              // display list

      Link f = theList.find(44);          // find item
      if( f != null)
         System.out.println("Found link with key " + f.iData);
         System.out.println("Can't find link");

      Link d = theList.delete(66);        // delete item
      if( d != null )
         System.out.println("Deleted link with key " + d.iData);
         System.out.println("Can't delete link");

      theList.displayList();              // display list
      }  // end main()
   }  // end class LinkList2App