vague2k / huez.nvim

All things color related. All Lua.
MIT License
102 stars 3 forks source link

module huez.api not found #41

Closed simonlearnscoding closed 3 weeks ago

simonlearnscoding commented 3 weeks ago

After I just updated my plugin it stopped working saiying that huez. This is my setup on nvim 0.9.5 on arch:

return {
  event = 'BufWinEnter',
  dependencies = {
    -- You probably already have this installed, highly reccomended you do.
    -- If using vim.ui, this plugin will give you a better experience
  config = function()
    local colorscheme = require('huez.api').get_colorscheme()
    vim.cmd('colorscheme ' .. colorscheme)
    vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>co', '<cmd>Huez<CR>', {})
vague2k commented 3 weeks ago

refer to the readme. Huez has gone through a major ver update. it's now in 1.0.0

simonlearnscoding commented 3 weeks ago

thats my bad. I just updated the setup. I love the updates!

vague2k commented 3 weeks ago

thats my bad. I just updated the setup. I love the updates!

no problem, let me know if you have anymore issues, thanks for using the plugin! I'll close this issue for now