vagundav / gitt

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touchpan #1

Open vagundav opened 2 years ago

vagundav commented 2 years ago

some comment changed 4 another change

vagundav commented 2 years ago

comment eddited 2

vagundav commented 2 years ago


Use Case: User can switch an home device using Vizualization. After shutting down and reopening an application have home devices corresponding value as in previous run of application.

Test 1 - Switch on Kitchen123 1. Open visualization-screen 2. Click on Floor 2/ Rooms 3. Switch on home device Kitchen123 4. Check in the state of object "asd" has current value "on" 5. There is in android device click on home button 6. There is in android device go to list of opened apps, and close the app "touchpanel" 7. There is in android device open application "touchpanel" oncemore. 8. Kitchen123 is switched on
vagundav commented 2 years ago


Test 1 - IP address, url, HTTPS mode persist in memory after application is shutting down 1. Open Settings > Connection 2. Click on pencil next to Controller IP adress 3. Type IP v4 adress in correct format 4. Click Save button > The dialog is closed 5. Click on pencil next to Free URL 6. Type url address 7. Click Save button > The dialog is closed 8. Switch on HTTPS mode 9. In android device click on home button 10. In android device go to list of opened apps, and close the app "touchpanel" 11. In android device open application "touchpanel" again. 12. Go to Settings > Connection 13. The IP address, url, HTTPS mode should be same
Test 2 - Controller IP adress - Check for invalid IPv4 format and empty value 1. Open Settings > Connection 2. Click on pencil next to Controller IP adress 3. Type IP v4 adress with letters 4. Click Save button > The dialog "Controller IP adress" isn't closed. 5. Delete all from input box for IP address 6. Click Save button > The dialog "Controller IP adress" isn't closed.
Test 3 - Free URL - URL have preferrence before IP address 1. Open Settings > Connection 2. Click on pencil next to Free URL 3. Type url: 4. Click save button 5. Go to Visualization > There will be main page of amazon store