vahidhedayati / grails-wschat-plugin

Grails websocket chat Plugin provides a multi-chat room add-on to an existing grails based site. provides: Private Messaging/WebRTC/Offline PM + room booking/reservations. Websocket TicTactoe. Add Live Chat to your Grails application
Apache License 2.0
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WSCHAT error accessing #26

Closed idiengaid closed 7 years ago

idiengaid commented 7 years ago

Hi, i've download your testapp for grails 2.4.4 but i don't find the version of wschat so idecided to put wschat1.31 on buildconfig after running it started but when i go to myapp: http://localhost:8080/testwschat/wsChat i put a name and choose a room but it open and give me and error immediately:

Error DOH user1 disconnecting from server DOH image

and there is no log in console. Any idea ?? Tks Windows 7 GGts 364 grails 244 jdk 1.7

vahidhedayati commented 7 years ago

The problem appears to be that on that specific site I must have been fiddling with wss

if you open up developer console you will see the problem:

chat:610 WebSocket connection to 'wss://localhost:8443/testwschat/WsChatEndpoint/fred' failed: Error in connection establishment: net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED wschat.js?compile=false:832 WebSocket is already in CLOSING or CLOSED state. wschat.js?compile=false:833 WebSocket is already in CLOSING or CLOSED state.

In the config change:


wschat.hostname='localhost:8080' wschat.wsProtocol='ws' wschat.siteProtocol='http'

​take a look here the demo site has also now been updated to work from now on
idiengaid commented 7 years ago

ok let me try tks

idiengaid commented 7 years ago

so it's working but with 8081 on the port . i don't know why but 8080 don't start thanks now i'll try to understand how it work if u have any user guide (LOL) i will like use it tks again

vahidhedayati commented 7 years ago

You must still have something running on port 8080 - from msdos prompt

try netstat -plant then trace kill the java process alternatively look in you windows processes running and kill off all java processes start again to run on port 8080.

so far as documentation take a look through the various links provided and the wiki pages that are part of the links.

Sorry it is in bits and not a full documentation guide due to development over different stages of the plugin

Feel free to contribute happy to add you along if you want to improve documentation

idiengaid commented 7 years ago

it's fine for me i'll be very proud to contribute in documentation i'll try to improve this tool really amazing believe me. Congratulation

vahidhedayati commented 7 years ago

:) thank you for the compliment, in all honesty this was a plugin based on me also learning websockets, started from a very basic java application example and grew over time.

So far as understanding all of it, it is difficult since it tries to cover a lot of different things as part of a chat room system i.e. live chat, room booking conferencing. application events and also things like the addons such as tictactoe.

it all depends on what you are trying to learn out of it yourself for you to wish to understand that segment. Feel free to browse through all the closed topics which gives you insight into some of the additions / ideas and probably a little look in the code too.

The videos will also help, if you wish to understand something better and so long as i don't have to pull apart code to explain then email me direct i think my email address was sent as part of this communication

idiengaid commented 7 years ago

Ok fine i'll look for i'm a big user of videoconference tools and elearning like bigbluebutton, moodle cisco webex, dimdim,... Usually i integrated these tools in my existing developpement cuz i never try to develop something like that. But i'll try to follow doc after testing mailling list i've seen today also interesting. By the way i cannot acces to your mail it's who send me take mine

vahidhedayati commented 7 years ago

Was going to email you but then thought as it is here it may help others

In short if you reverse the BuildConfig to use wschat as the inline plugin as in the very last commented out line in buildConfig

then clone this plugin git clone -b grails2

outside of the testwschat folder it then becomes accessible in development mode you can then look at this specific segment and add custom println and output what is going on - also then add println to the socket end point file and figure out how messages are coming in.

Unsure what your scope / level is and what your goal is - if you wish to understand how that part of it as in conferencing works above is a good starting point,

Reason behind the feature was in my previous work place they were paying lots of money to third party companies to have something similar - obviously better. It never took off hence it probably is in the state it is in - working but not perfect or excelling