Open vaibhav-vasant opened 11 months ago
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To implement user registration in the existing Django application, I would need to clarify a few points regarding the current setup and the desired features for the registration process. Here are my questions:
User Model Customization:
User Registration Fields:
User Authentication Flow:
Integration with Existing Views and URLs:
app, or should it be part of a new app (e.g., accounts
, /accounts/register/
, etc.)Templates and Frontend:
template?Form Handling and Validation:
, or is a custom form required?Error Handling:
Third-Party Integrations:
Security Considerations:
Once I have the answers to these questions, I can proceed with implementing the user registration feature in a way that integrates seamlessly with the existing codebase and meets the project's requirements.
This change adds a user registration feature to the application. It includes creating a new 'accounts' app, defining the registration form and view, setting up URL patterns, creating a new registration template, and adding tests for the new functionality.
Add 'accounts' to the INSTALLED_APPS list to register the new 'accounts' app.
Create a new AppConfig for the 'accounts' app within the 'accounts' directory.
Create a new file to define any additional models for the 'accounts' app if needed in the future.
Create a new file to define the UserRegistrationForm using Django's built-in UserCreationForm.
Create a new file to define the registration view using the UserRegistrationForm.
Create a new file to define the URL pattern for the registration view.
Create a new template for the registration page based on 'base.html'.
Include the 'accounts.urls' to the project's URL configurations.
Add a link to the registration page in the navigation bar or as a separate button.
Add test cases for the registration process.
The development team should lint the code, run tests, and perform a code review before deployment. To deploy the changes, follow the standard deployment process which may include updating the live database schema with migrations and restarting the application server.
Pull Request: Add User Registration Feature:
Add support for User registration