vaiorabbit / ruby-opengl

Yet another OpenGL wrapper for Ruby (and wrapper code generator).
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Fix signature for glfwSetMonitorUserPointer #32

Closed danini-the-panini closed 3 years ago

danini-the-panini commented 3 years ago

Fiddle importer is raising an error that const is not a type when parsing the signature of glfwSetMonitorUserPointer. Removing the const fixes this. Based on GLFW's header files, this is correct since it does not have a const in the signature:

danini-the-panini commented 3 years ago

I am using the following workaround for now:

GLFW.class_variable_get('@@lib_signature').each do |sig|
  sig.gsub!(/const void(?!\s*\*)/, 'void')

It replaces any instance of const void that is not immediately followed by an asterisk (*) with just void. Make sure you put this snippet before calling GLFW.load_lib

vaiorabbit commented 3 years ago

Thank you for reporting!

vaiorabbit commented 3 years ago

Just released opengl-bindings-1.6.11 ( ).