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Binary Grading #21

Open vaishavijay opened 1 year ago

vaishavijay commented 1 year ago

Today you will grade each other as pairs. You will find someone unknown and and grade them on criteria in this message. Grading will be binary 0 or 1. If you have it, can demo it, and it works superbly, you receive a .1. If you don’t have it, or can’t demo it, or it or it does not work superbly, you don’t get any credit (no partial scoring!!!). If you misrepresent work (either in presentation or in scoring), meaning you have not written code in the area, or you provide score to someone that does not complete the work …. you could receive a 1 point deduction from seed and a 0 on the assignment. Honesty is best policy!!! Consider this as a preview to 10 points you receive at end of trimester. All grading will be gathered in a review ticket by Scrum Master and summarized and linked to individual review ticket, complete this with team score added to individual score. Scrum Master will write in ticket if they agree or disagree with any of the results.

Individuals should have a review ticket as well with binary scoring and comments by crossover grader. Any adjustments to original review will need to be reviewed again by original grader. Teacher will review information with individuals during class on Friday. Expected .1 - Frontend UI demo. UI takes inputs and passes them to an API and returns data from the backend to frontend. .1 - Postman API Demo. JSON Raw/Body formatted API passes inputs to backend and updates persistent table. .1 - Java Demo - Object Creation. Tester method that shows creation of Objects and outputs to Terminal, illustrate printing objects (hopefully using toString().

Extra for now, required at end of project .1 - Java Demo - Model Init. Delete database and show the creation and population of tables. Expected in this step is the use of CommandLineRunner and the use of a tool like SQLite Viewer .1 - Java Demo with Postman or UI - All CRUD methods. Above was focused on Create and Read, this is focused on Update and Delete. .1 - JWT Demo - Show UI receiving and setting cookie and backend providing cookie through /authenticate like method

tangalice commented 1 year ago

0/.3 had working frontend UI (currency converter) made with javascript but not connected to a backend had a seperate API but was not working, no Postman DEMO no java object creation