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User invitations #124

Open killua-eu opened 5 years ago

killua-eu commented 5 years ago

We want to add the possibility to invite users. We want two ways to get around this, we'll need to

to send actual invites, use phpmailer (already installed). Sending invites should be possible from

an autosuggest box that will query against contacts and users tables (name, address, email, phone field) and suggest name - email address pairs on typing. Typing out an e-mail address that's not in glued contacts/users table should be possible, typing an already existing address would show the name and email in case that the address is found in contacts, and will display name and email address and disable the input if found in users table (prevent reinviting users already present). Typing an nonexisting email address will change the text to "create contact and invite" .. the email address will be prefilled into a new contactid, the contactid will be opened to be filled in and the invite button clicked.