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Minimalist stor file browser #35

Open killua-eu opened 7 years ago

killua-eu commented 7 years ago

The browser will have different views (list, icons, ...). List view will be the first to implement and will display

possibility to rename, delete, upload new, move, copy (copy means just adding a link to the stor_links table, upload means adding to stor_object if we don't find a file with the same sha hash in the database and to the stor_links). Clicking will open or download the file, according to the mime type.

This can only be done after #26 #27 #19

killua-eu commented 6 years ago

Použijme ikonky

fa-user / fa-users (patří jednotlivci, nebo teamu?) fa-lock / fa-unlock / fa-globe (vidí jen vlastík (uživatel nebo team) / vidí vlastník a někdo cizí / vidi všichni s odkazem

user-users rozdíl je to co je v my files. nevim jestli se toho nakonec budeme držet a jestli nebude lepší mít dropdown s vyběrem my files, my team 1 files, my team 2 files nebo tak něco