vajrang-b / UiPathIn30Days

We will use this repo to understand and develop uipath code,
MIT License
28 stars 491 forks source link

Projects Bhimendhar #1909

Open vajrang-b opened 4 weeks ago

vajrang-b commented 4 weeks ago onenote:{7D16A262-E7C8-43A9-8DE3-A0B4BEFE9618}&page-id={40D71F12-1BAF-4564-9782-5B2EFEF35688}&end

use ReFramework

Task List

1. Planning

2. Analysis

3. Design

4. Implementation

5. Testing

6. Deployment

7. Maintenance

Additional Tasks

Bhimendhar commented 4 weeks ago

I accept this Task and will start working on it.

Bhimendhar commented 3 weeks ago

Completed the task and committed to the main with PR no #1930.

Bhimendhar commented 3 weeks ago

Completed both PDD and Design and committed to main with PR no #1930