valaphee / mcrputil

Minecraft Resource Pack Util for encrypting and decrypting resource packs.
Apache License 2.0
108 stars 14 forks source link

Able to use in linux? #15

Closed robokedi closed 7 months ago

robokedi commented 10 months ago

Hi. Able to use this tool in linux terminal?

valaphee commented 10 months ago

Sure, you can clone this repository and build it yourself simply by using

git clone # Cloning repository curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh # Installing Rustup cd mcrputil cargo run # Compiles and runs the program


by using the pre-build one in "mcrputil"

robokedi commented 10 months ago

Thanks but me how to use this? Like ./mcrputil etc.

robokedi commented 9 months ago


robokedi commented 9 months ago

Thanks but me how to use this? Like ./mcrputil etc.

valaphee commented 7 months ago

Like described in the README for encryption: ./mcrputil encrypt

the key needed will be displayed after "Encryption finished, key: "

inputdir is basically just the unzipped resource pack