valb3r / flowable-bpmn-intellij-plugin

Flowable, Activiti, Camunda BPMN engines process editor plugin for IntelliJ. Pure Kotlin (and some Java)
MIT License
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Support for `in` / `out` in CallActivity #403

Open valb3r opened 1 month ago

valb3r commented 1 month ago

Support for:

Passing variables

You can pass process variables to the sub-process and vice versa. The data is copied into the sub-process when it is started and copied back into the main process when it ends.

<callActivity id="callSubProcess" calledElement="checkCreditProcess">
        <flowable:in source="someVariableInMainProcess"
            target="nameOfVariableInSubProcess" />
        <flowable:out source="someVariableInSubProcess"
            target="nameOfVariableInMainProcess" />