Open michael-schnell opened 9 years ago
Do you want to stick with the "net.eventstore" package naming? If you have a domain you own, this would be better for your possible future projects. You will get the allowance from OSS Sonatype to publish under a defined domain.
I use for example "org.fuin" for all projects and the domain "" is also owned by be. If you use "net.eventstore" you can only use this for publishing new artifacts.
I saw you have the domain "" - How about using that for the package? It would then be "lt.emasina.esj" and the artifact ID "esj-client" and so on.
If you publish something new, you don't need another OSS Sonatype account and can re-use "lt.emasina.*".
If you can afford it, I'd suggest to grab the "" domain. Then you can use this for all of your projects like "esj", "resthub" and others.
Looks like you've already got a key and an account OSSRH-15364.
Currently the version is 1.2.0-SNAPSHOT - Before deploying to OSS Sonatype you should maybe switch to 1.2.0 release. Otherwise it will go into Sonatytpe's snapshot repo (Which mich be OK for a first test).
If you need assistance, let me know. The relase process is not really self-explaining if you do it the first time.
The library should be delivered to Maven Central for easy usage.