valdisiljuconoks / localization-provider-opti

Database driven localization provider for Optimizely (ex. Episerver) websites
Apache License 2.0
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Unable to find a module by assembly 'DbLocalizationProvider.AdminUI.EPiServer' #231

Open stefanolsen opened 1 day ago

stefanolsen commented 1 day ago

Using this module on a CMS 12 site, I see the below exception logged when browsing the CMS UI.

Failed to add menu item
System.ArgumentException: Unable to find a module by assembly 'DbLocalizationProvider.AdminUI.EPiServer, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=e24b5062d4cb23b0' (Parameter 'moduleAssembly')
   at EPiServer.Shell.Paths.ToResource(Assembly moduleAssembly, String moduleRelativeResourcePath)
   at DbLocalizationProvider.AdminUI.EPiServer.MenuProvider.GetMenuItems()
   at EPiServer.Shell.Navigation.MenuAssembler.<>c.<GetMenuItems>b__8_1(IMenuProvider m)

The NuGet package (version 8.1.0) is installed and the services are registered in Startup. The folder AddOn.Episerver.Settings is present in /modules/ and contains a ZIP-file.

It looks like the module is not present in ModuleTable.

Is there some registration I might have missed?

valdisiljuconoks commented 14 hours ago

Can you share your setup code?

I think this might be something related to new versions of CMS as we have seen this happening to other modules as well.

The localization provider supports CMS 12 with no issues and I have many installations with his combo.