valenlab / amplican

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Frameshift Overlap Plot missing #8

Open apeltzer opened 4 years ago

apeltzer commented 4 years ago


the description of the plot says:

Read distribution plot - plot shows number of reads assigned during read grouping Filtered Reads - plot shows percentage of assigned reads that have been recognized as PRIMER DIMERS or filtered based on low alignment score Edit rates - plot gives overview of percentage of reads (not filtered as PRIMER DIMER) that have edits Frameshift - plot shows what percentage of reads that have frameshift Frameshift overlapping - shows what percentage of reads have frameshift counting only deletions and insertions that overlap expected cut site (should be more accurate when controls are not available) Read heterogeneity plot - shows what is the share of each of the unique reads in total count of all reads. The more yellow each row, the less heterogeneity in the reads, more black means reads don’t repeat often and are unique

But the "Frameshift overlapping" plot is missing in my group_id output.

JokingHero commented 4 years ago

Good find of slightly outdated documentation, I will fix that, thanks for pointing it out. There should not be anything like that, its done by default now as "Frameshift" plot.