valentiay / phobos

Efficient and expressive XML data-binding library for Scala
Apache License 2.0
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`withRemoveNamespaces` not work for element attributes if a namespace is defined #19

Open geny200 opened 6 months ago

geny200 commented 6 months ago

Hi, addition of a new flag withRemoveNamespaces ( issue , pr ) is a really useful thing, but there is one bug, this config does not work with attributes if namespace is set. Here is an example with a comparison of this flag for an "element" and for "attribute". (it works correctly for "element", it doesn't work for "attribute").

import phobos.Namespace
import phobos.configured.ElementCodecConfig
import phobos.decoding.XmlDecoder
import phobos.derivation.semiauto.{deriveXmlDecoderConfigured, deriveXmlEncoderConfigured}
import phobos.encoding.XmlEncoder
import phobos.syntax.attr

object MyNamespace {
  type ns = MyNamespace.type
  implicit val ns: Namespace[ns] = Namespace.mkInstance[ns]("", Some("example"))

case class BarAttr(@attr foo: String)

object BarAttr {
  val configEnc: ElementCodecConfig = ElementCodecConfig.default.withAttributesDefaultNamespace(MyNamespace)
  val configDec: ElementCodecConfig = ElementCodecConfig.default.withRemoveNamespaces

  implicit val barXmlEncoder: XmlEncoder[BarAttr] =
    deriveXmlEncoderConfigured[BarAttr]("BarAttr", configEnc)
  implicit val barXmlDecoder: XmlDecoder[BarAttr] =
    deriveXmlDecoderConfigured[BarAttr]("BarAttr", configDec)

case class BarElem(foo: String)

object BarElem {
  val configEnc: ElementCodecConfig = ElementCodecConfig.default.withElementsDefaultNamespace(MyNamespace)
  val configDec: ElementCodecConfig = ElementCodecConfig.default.withRemoveNamespaces

  implicit val barXmlEncoder: XmlEncoder[BarElem] =
    deriveXmlEncoderConfigured[BarElem]("BarElem", configEnc)
  implicit val barXmlDecoder: XmlDecoder[BarElem] =
    deriveXmlDecoderConfigured[BarElem]("BarElem", configDec)

object App {
  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
    // <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?><BarAttr xmlns:ans1="" ans1:foo="qwerty"/>

    // <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?><BarElem><ans1:foo xmlns:ans1="">qwerty</ans1:foo></BarElem>

    val xmlAttr =
      """<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?><BarAttr xmlns:ans1="" ans1:foo="qwerty"/>"""
    // {{{
    // phobos.decoding.DecodingError: Error while decoding XML: Missing 'foo' attribute
    //  In element 'BarAttr'
    // }}}

    val xmlElem =
      """<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?><BarElem><ans1:foo xmlns:ans1="">qwerty</ans1:foo></BarElem>"""
    // Ok

    // Check law for element
    val y: BarElem = BarElem("qwerty")
    ) // Ok

    // Check law for attribute
    val x: BarAttr = BarAttr("qwerty")
    ) // assertion failed
valentiay commented 5 months ago

Hi! Thank you for reporting this issue. This is a tricky one. I'll need some more time to investigate why does it work that way. I'm surprised, that it does not break the law for elements