valentiay / phobos

Efficient and expressive XML data-binding library for Scala
Apache License 2.0
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Unable to use phobos with Scala 3.3 LTS #22

Closed susliko closed 5 months ago

susliko commented 5 months ago

Phobos artifact for scala 3 is built with Scala Next and cannot be used from Scala 3.3 LTS versoins

// phobos.scala
//> using scala 3.3.3
//> using dep "dev.valentiay::phobos-core:0.22.0"

import phobos.encoding.XmlEncoder

case class Foo(x: Int)
object Foo:
  given XmlEncoder[Foo] = ???

Running scala-cli phobos.scala gives

Error: error while loading XmlEncoder,
class file phobos/encoding/XmlEncoder.class is broken, reading aborted with class
TASTy signature has wrong version.
 expected: {majorVersion: 28, minorVersion: 3}
 found   : {majorVersion: 28, minorVersion: 4}

This TASTy file was produced by a more recent, forwards incompatible release.
To read this TASTy file, please upgrade your tooling.
The TASTy file was produced by Scala 3.4.1.
[error] ./phobos.scala:8:9
[error] Not found: type XmlEncoder
[error]   given XmlEncoder[Foo] = ???

See best practices for library maintainers

valentiay commented 5 months ago

Hi! Thanks for reporting. I've downgraded scala 3 version to the latest LTS 3.3.3 in #24