valentin-marquez / LethalMissions

a mod for the game lethal company that adds missions to the game.
MIT License
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Bees Failing To Despawn #12

Open Mi6kbuttface opened 2 months ago

Mi6kbuttface commented 2 months ago

Bees Failing To Despawn

This issue has been a long one many of us could not find a source on, but we believe it's this mod that is causing Bee hives and Bees to spawn on moons and places, such as the company building when they should not.

Expected Behavior:

The Collect a Beehive Mission should only detect if there are bees already on the planet, rather than spawn their own, which can cause despawning issues, leaving lingering bees on the company building

Video Evidence:

Additional Information:

Log File: LogOutput.log

[19:29:07.9274660] [Error  :WeatherTweaks] Landing at 71 Gordion with weather {"Name":"None","weatherType":-1,"Weathers":[],"Type":0}
[19:29:08.0655995] [Info   :LethalMissions] Host or server -  Generating missions
[19:29:08.0676014] [Info   :LethalMissions] Skipped RepairValve mission as there are no valves on the map.
[19:29:08.0705950] [Info   :LethalMissions] Skipped ObtainGenerator mission as there is no apparatus on the map.
[19:29:08.0705950] [Info   :LethalMissions] Skipped LightningRod mission as the weather is not stormy.
[19:29:08.0816047] [Info   :LethalMissions] Enemy spawned at (-24.51, -2.67, -85.20)

This log shows that Lethal Missions spawns Bees at the company building

yetanotherf0rked commented 4 weeks ago

I had the same issue and I believe it's Lethal Missions causing this.