valentinacupac / banking-kata-java

Banking Kata (Java)
MIT License
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GitHub - Fix SonarQube #123

Open valentinacupac opened 10 months ago

valentinacupac commented 10 months ago

I had disabled SonarQube, pending to resolve the warnings then I will re-enable it.

KalinIvanov-l commented 9 months ago


I am interested in working on resolving the SonarQube warnings to help re-enable it on the project. Could you please reassign this ticket to me so I can start working on it?

Best regards, Kalin

valentinacupac commented 8 months ago

Thanks @KalinIvanov-l, assigned now.

valentinacupac commented 5 months ago

Thanks for your help @KalinIvanov-l! I merged the PR

However, as CI ran, some errors appeared, you can see here - I tried some attempts to fix it, but wasn't able to get it working after the merge. You can have a look at that output to see if you have any ideas for the fixing the failing tests, or otherwise I may also continue to look at this during the next days...

Thanks again for your support.

KalinIvanov-l commented 5 months ago


Thank you for your feedback. I'll review the error and work on resolving it, which should rectify the issue in CI. I'll inform you as soon as I'm ready.

Thanks again!

valentinacupac commented 5 months ago

Thank you very much!

valentinacupac commented 5 months ago

P.S. I've now reset the main branch to my earlier commit (i.e. before merging the PR) so that the CI pipeline is green. So you can continue working on the PR to try to get the tests passing and then after you've locally tested, then we can try to merge the PR again.