valentinitnelav / plotbiomes

R package for plotting Whittaker biomes with ggplot2
MIT License
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Estimate the biome for outliers #11

Open valentinitnelav opened 1 year ago

valentinitnelav commented 1 year ago

I have some sample data points and I would like to extract corresponding Whittaker biome information based on the annual average temperature and annual average precipitation of these data points. Do you have any solutions for this? Can you identify outliers (i.e. those not in Whittaker communities), and also determine which biome each sample data point belongs to? If you are able to help with this, I would be grateful. Thank you!

valentinitnelav commented 1 year ago

The part of your question related to identifying the outliers has been addressed here:

Then once you have the coordinates of the outliers you could apply one of these suggested answers here so to get the nearest polygone.

Not sure if I will get the time to create a function for this. Any support is welcome.