valentinkm / AdversarialSimulation
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remove for pr #1

Closed valentinkm closed 1 year ago

valentinkm commented 1 year ago

Dear Aaron,

this is our first proposal for preparing the adversarial collaboration (AC) approach to our master thesis. As you can see we will finalize it, based on all the relevant literature, after the first week of the next semester in October. Feel free to provide any feedback or suggestions if you want.

Best, Leo & Valentin

aaronpeikert commented 1 year ago

Dear both, thank you so much! Also very nice that you tried to submit this as a PR. Next time you have the case that you commited and pushed a change prematurely you can use git revert <hash> on main, then git checkout -B feature followed by git revert HEAD. So you are undoing the changes with revert, switch to a new branch and then undo the undoing :) This is crazily the correct way to undo what you already have pushed. In case you did not already push, you could have done git reset HEAD, git checkout -B, git commit, git push...