valentinnodan / mdx-intellij-plugin

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Indented Bullet Points not keeping their format #14

Open kjenkins19 opened 3 years ago

kjenkins19 commented 3 years ago

I've just been having one issue, which has been with bullet points.


* bullet 1
  * sub-bullet 1
* bullet 2
  * sub-bullet 2

When I hit the format button this turns to

* bullet 1
* sub-bullet 2
* bullet 2
* sub-bullet 2

If I use 4 spaces for an indent, the first time I format will change them to 2 spaces, then formatting again will remove them. I've been trying to work with the editor config to see if there has been some way to manipulate this, but have not been able to fix it.

I may try to submit an MR later if I can find time, but not very experienced working on these plugins.
