valentjn / ltex-ls

LTeX Language Server: LSP language server for LanguageTool :mag::heavy_check_mark: with support for LaTeX :mortar_board:, Markdown :pencil:, and others
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Special characters are not resolved #279

Open tobiasdiez opened 8 months ago

tobiasdiez commented 8 months ago

Describe the bug

Special constructions such as \'e or \" are not properly converted to unicode before passing them to language tools (it seems)

Steps to reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Spell-check the following document
  2. Get
    "Fr\'echet": Unknown word.
    "ahler": Unknown word.

Expected behavior

No errors if Fréchet and Kähler are added as exceptions, and warnings with the correct unicode spelling if they are not.

Sample document If the bug occurs for a specific document (e.g. LaTeX), please paste it here. If your document is very long or confidential, please create and attach a smaller example for which the bug still occurs so that we can reproduce it.

``` Hello Fr\'echet and K\"ahler. ```

LTeX configuration Please paste all configuration settings starting with ltex. from your settings.json. You can help us by temporarily removing some irrelevant settings from your settings.json and see if the bug still occurs.

``` "cSpell.userWords": [ "Fréchet", "Kähler" ] ```

LTeX LS log Paste the log (output) of LTeX LS here:

``` Not sure how to get this, I'm using the VScode extension. ```

Version information List here the version information of the relevant software.

Additional context/information You can add any other context or information about the problem here.