valentjn / vscode-ltex

LTeX: Grammar/spell checker :mag::heavy_check_mark: for VS Code using LanguageTool with support for LaTeX :mortar_board:, Markdown :pencil:, and others
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warning on lower case after abbreviation full stop #822

Open Reissner opened 1 year ago

Reissner commented 1 year ago

Note: It is highly recommended to follow the instructions at and use the LTeX: Report bug in LTeX command from within Visual Studio Code. Per the contribution guidelines, deleting parts of the template or not filling in vital information may result in the issue to be immediately closed as invalid.

Describe the bug There is a rule that after full stop there is a capital. On the other hand, a dot may be a full stop or just indicate an abbreviation. In latex there is the rule that capital dot is an abbreviation (C. ), whereas lowercase (i.e.) is full stop. This works most of the time but not always. Thus there is the command \@ indicating an invisible lower case letter. So if there is a fulls stop C., one writes C\@. and if there is not full stop at i.e. one writes i.e.\@.

It may be a feature request that ltex takes care of this or it may be a bug that it does not yet, as you like. Anyway, proc.\@ of Royal Soc. yields a warning that of is lower case and it should not.

Steps to reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. write a latex file containing the above line
  2. activate ltex
  3. See warning as described above.

Expected behavior There shall be no error.

Sample document Very simple

"LTeX Language Server" log file First, reproduce the bug. Then, go to ViewOutput and select LTeX Language Server in the drop-down list. Paste this log here:


"LTeX Language Client" log file Very big but irrelevant.

Version information List here the version information of the relevant software.

Additional context/information None