valentjn / vscode-ltex

LTeX: Grammar/spell checker :mag::heavy_check_mark: for VS Code using LanguageTool with support for LaTeX :mortar_board:, Markdown :pencil:, and others
Mozilla Public License 2.0
786 stars 26 forks source link

No longer runs on Windows #884

Open michens opened 1 month ago

michens commented 1 month ago

Describe the bug New versions of Node require setting "shell: true" when calling spawn/spawnSync on a .bat file such as "ltex-ls.bat".

Steps to reproduce Run on Windows.

Expected behavior That it works.

Sample document N/A

LTeX configuration N/A

"LTeX Language Server" log file No log file created as server never starts

"LTeX Language Client" log file 2024-07-29T17:17:28.190Z Info: Setting LTeX UI language to 'en'. 2024-07-29T17:17:28.190Z Info: Loading i18n messages... 2024-07-29T17:17:28.190Z Info: Loading default i18n messages... 2024-07-29T17:17:28.194Z Info: 2024-07-29T17:17:28.194Z Info: ltex.ltex-ls.path not set. 2024-07-29T17:17:28.194Z Info: Searching for ltex-ls in 'c:\Users...'... 2024-07-29T17:17:28.194Z Info: ltex-ls found in 'c:\Users...'. 2024-07-29T17:17:28.194Z Info: 2024-07-29T17:17:28.194Z Info: Using ltex-ls from 'c:\Users...'. 2024-07-29T17:17:28.194Z Info: Using Java bundled with ltex-ls as is not set. 2024-07-29T17:17:28.196Z Info: Testing ltex-ls... 2024-07-29T17:17:28.196Z Info: Command: "c:\Users\...\lib\ltex-ls-15.2.0\bin\ltex-ls.bat" 2024-07-29T17:17:28.196Z Info: Arguments: ["--version"] 2024-07-29T17:17:28.196Z Info: env['JAVA_HOME']: undefined 2024-07-29T17:17:28.196Z Info: env['JAVA_OPTS']: "-Xms64m -Xmx512m" 2024-07-29T17:17:28.196Z Error: Test failed. 2024-07-29T17:17:28.196Z Error: Error details: 2024-07-29T17:17:28.201Z Error: Error: spawnSync c:\Users...\lib\ltex-ls-15.2.0\bin\ltex-ls.bat EINVAL 2024-07-29T17:17:28.201Z Error: at Object.spawnSync (node:internal/child_process:1124:20) 2024-07-29T17:17:28.201Z Error: at Object.spawnSync (node:child_process:914:24) 2024-07-29T17:17:28.201Z Error: at DependencyManager. (c:\Users...\dist\extension.js:15912:43) 2024-07-29T17:17:28.201Z Error: at () 2024-07-29T17:17:28.201Z Error: at fulfilled (c:\Users...\dist\extension.js:15367:32) 2024-07-29T17:17:28.202Z Info: ltex-ls did not print expected version information to stdout. 2024-07-29T17:17:28.202Z Info: stdout of ltex-ls: 2024-07-29T17:17:28.202Z Info: 2024-07-29T17:17:28.202Z Info: stderr of ltex-ls: 2024-07-29T17:17:28.202Z Info: 2024-07-29T17:17:28.202Z Info: You might want to try offline installation, see

Version information

Additional context/information Easy enough to solve by patching extension.js file locally. See for pattern to fix. Will submit PR if this project is active and accepting PRs.

tobiscode commented 1 month ago

Same issue here. Thanks for the pointer, never coded JS before but I was able to fix my local installation with the following changes to extension.js:

--- a/extension.js.old
+++ b/extension.js
@@ -13516,6 +13516,7 @@ class DependencyManager {
             const executableOptions = {
                 encoding: 'utf-8',
                 timeout: 15000,
+                shell: true
             if (executable.options != null) {
                 executableOptions.cwd = executable.options.cwd;
@@ -13615,6 +13616,7 @@ class DependencyManager {
         const executableOptions = {
             encoding: 'utf-8',
             timeout: 15000,
+            shell: true
         const childProcess = ((process.platform == 'win32')
             ? ChildProcess.spawnSync('wmic', ['process', 'list', 'FULL'], executableOptions)
@@ -24684,7 +24686,9 @@ class LanguageClient extends commonClient_1.CommonLanguageClient {
                     if (node.args) {
                         node.args.forEach(element => args.push(element));
-                    const execOptions = Object.create(null);
+                    const execOptions = {
+                        shell: true
+                    };
                     execOptions.cwd = serverWorkingDir;
                     execOptions.env = getEnvironment(options.env, false);
                     const runtime = this._getRuntimePath(node.runtime, serverWorkingDir);
@@ -24817,6 +24821,7 @@ class LanguageClient extends commonClient_1.CommonLanguageClient {
                 let args = command.args || [];
                 let options = Object.assign({}, command.options);
                 options.cwd = options.cwd || serverWorkingDir;
+       = true;
                 let serverProcess = cp.spawn(command.command, args, options);
                 if (!serverProcess || ! {
                     return Promise.reject(`Launching server using command ${command.command} failed.`);

I'm hoping this will work until the package is properly patched.

pyromanul commented 1 month ago

Same issue here. Thanks for the pointer, never coded JS before but I was able to fix my local installation with the following changes to extension.js:

>>> diff extension.js.old extension.js
>                               shell: true
>                       shell: true
<                     const execOptions = Object.create(null);
>                     const execOptions = {
>                         shell: true
>                     };
>                      = true;

I'm hoping this will work until the package is properly patched.

Thanks a lot! extension.js can be found in %USERPROFILE%.vscode\extensions\valentjn.vscode-ltex-13.1.0\dist

Saltsmart commented 1 month ago

Maybe same issue with Version: 1.92.0 (system setup) Commit: b1c0a14de1414fcdaa400695b4db1c0799bc3124 Date: 2024-07-31T23:26:45.634Z Electron: 30.1.2 ElectronBuildId: 9870757 Chromium: 124.0.6367.243 Node.js: 20.14.0 V8: OS: Windows_NT x64 10.0.22000


2024-08-02T09:14:10.699Z Info: Setting LTeX UI language to 'en'.
2024-08-02T09:14:10.699Z Info: Loading i18n messages...
2024-08-02T09:14:10.708Z Info: Loading default i18n messages...
2024-08-02T09:14:10.711Z Info: 
2024-08-02T09:14:10.712Z Info: ltex.ltex-ls.path not set.
2024-08-02T09:14:10.712Z Info: Searching for ltex-ls in 'c:\Users\Administrator\.vscode\extensions\valentjn.vscode-ltex-13.1.1-alpha.1.nightly.2024-08-02\lib'...
2024-08-02T09:14:10.712Z Info: ltex-ls found in 'c:\Users\Administrator\.vscode\extensions\valentjn.vscode-ltex-13.1.1-alpha.1.nightly.2024-08-02\lib\ltex-ls-16.0.1-alpha.1.nightly.2024-08-02'.
2024-08-02T09:14:10.712Z Info: 
2024-08-02T09:14:10.712Z Info: Using ltex-ls from 'c:\Users\Administrator\.vscode\extensions\valentjn.vscode-ltex-13.1.1-alpha.1.nightly.2024-08-02\lib\ltex-ls-16.0.1-alpha.1.nightly.2024-08-02'.
2024-08-02T09:14:10.713Z Info: Using Java bundled with ltex-ls as is not set.
2024-08-02T09:14:10.714Z Info: Testing ltex-ls...
2024-08-02T09:14:10.714Z Info:   Command: "c:\\Users\\Administrator\\.vscode\\extensions\\valentjn.vscode-ltex-13.1.1-alpha.1.nightly.2024-08-02\\lib\\ltex-ls-16.0.1-alpha.1.nightly.2024-08-02\\bin\\ltex-ls.bat"
2024-08-02T09:14:10.714Z Info:   Arguments: ["--version"]
2024-08-02T09:14:10.714Z Info:   env['JAVA_HOME']: undefined
2024-08-02T09:14:10.714Z Info:   env['JAVA_OPTS']: "-Xms64m -Xmx512m"
2024-08-02T09:14:10.714Z Error: Test failed.
2024-08-02T09:14:10.714Z Error: Error details:
2024-08-02T09:14:10.716Z Error: Error: spawnSync c:\Users\Administrator\.vscode\extensions\valentjn.vscode-ltex-13.1.1-alpha.1.nightly.2024-08-02\lib\ltex-ls-16.0.1-alpha.1.nightly.2024-08-02\bin\ltex-ls.bat EINVAL
2024-08-02T09:14:10.716Z Error:     at Object.spawnSync (node:internal/child_process:1124:20)
2024-08-02T09:14:10.716Z Error:     at Object.spawnSync (node:child_process:914:24)
2024-08-02T09:14:10.716Z Error:     at DependencyManager.<anonymous> (c:\Users\Administrator\.vscode\extensions\valentjn.vscode-ltex-13.1.1-alpha.1.nightly.2024-08-02\dist\extension.js:14962:45)
2024-08-02T09:14:10.716Z Error:     at (<anonymous>)
2024-08-02T09:14:10.716Z Error:     at fulfilled (c:\Users\Administrator\.vscode\extensions\valentjn.vscode-ltex-13.1.1-alpha.1.nightly.2024-08-02\dist\extension.js:14593:58)
2024-08-02T09:14:10.716Z Info: ltex-ls did not print expected version information to stdout.
2024-08-02T09:14:10.716Z Info: stdout of ltex-ls:
2024-08-02T09:14:10.716Z Info: 
2024-08-02T09:14:10.716Z Info: stderr of ltex-ls:
2024-08-02T09:14:10.716Z Info: 
2024-08-02T09:14:10.716Z Info: You might want to try offline installation, see
peiranxiao commented 1 month ago

Same issue here. Installing an earlier version of VSCode (1.91) solves the issue.

Berrysoft commented 1 month ago

I tried to run the ltex-ls.bat directly:

Exception in thread "main" java.nio.charset.UnsupportedCharsetException: cp65001
        at java.base/java.nio.charset.Charset.forName(Unknown Source)
        at picocli.CommandLine.getStderrEncoding(
        at picocli.CommandLine.getErr(
        at picocli.CommandLine.handleUnhandled(
        at picocli.CommandLine.execute(
        at org.bsplines.ltexls.LtexLanguageServerLauncher$Companion.main(LtexLanguageServerLauncher.kt:223)
        at org.bsplines.ltexls.LtexLanguageServerLauncher.main(LtexLanguageServerLauncher.kt)

Seems that the UTF-8 charset is not supported.

peiranxiao commented 1 month ago

I got a different error

SEVERE: Missing header Content-Length in input "
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Missing header Content-Length in input "
        at org.eclipse.lsp4j.jsonrpc.json.StreamMessageProducer.listen(
        at java.base/java.util.concurrent.Executors$ Source)
        at java.base/ Source)
        at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ Source)
        at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source)
        at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ Source)
        at java.base/ Source)
sp1337dy commented 1 month ago

Same Issue

thangckt commented 1 month ago

any update so far?


FeudalFreddy commented 1 month ago

same issue

rtbar commented 1 month ago

Same issue here. Thanks for the pointer, never coded JS before but I was able to fix my local installation with the following changes to extension.js:

>>> diff extension.js.old extension.js
>                               shell: true
>                       shell: true
<                     const execOptions = Object.create(null);
>                     const execOptions = {
>                         shell: true
>                     };
>                      = true;

I'm hoping this will work until the package is properly patched.

Same issue. Updating the extensions.js file makes the error disappear. However, ltex still doesn't seem to run properly, as no errors in LaTeX documents (with deliberate typos) are detected.

olejorik commented 1 month ago

same issue

tobiscode commented 1 month ago

Same issue. Updating the extensions.js file makes the error disappear. However, ltex still doesn't seem to run properly, as no errors in LaTeX documents (with deliberate typos) are detected.

Interesting, for me it fixes the issue and errors and warnings are properly shown. Yours might be a separate issue then.

georgiiv123 commented 1 month ago

Same issue here, but the errors come from a different place:

2024-08-06T21:48:58.294Z Error: Error: spawnSync c:\users...\.vscode\extensions\valentjn.vscode-ltex-13.1.0\lib\ltex-ls-15.2.0\bin\ltex-ls.bat EINVAL
2024-08-06T21:48:58.294Z Error:     at Object.spawnSync (node:internal/child_process:1124:20)
2024-08-06T21:48:58.294Z Error:     at Object.spawnSync (node:child_process:914:24)
2024-08-06T21:48:58.294Z Error:     at DependencyManager.<anonymous> (c:\users...\.vscode\extensions\valentjn.vscode-ltex-13.1.0\dist\extension.js:13528:45)
2024-08-06T21:48:58.294Z Error:     at (<anonymous>)
2024-08-06T21:48:58.294Z Error:     at fulfilled (c:\users...\.vscode\extensions\valentjn.vscode-ltex-13.1.0\dist\extension.js:13159:58)
2024-08-06T21:48:58.294Z Info: ltex-ls did not print expected version information to stdout.
2024-08-06T21:48:58.294Z Info: stdout of ltex-ls:

The fix from @tobiscode didn't help, but still thank you!

If I try to run the ltex-ls.bat in cmd as Admin, I receive the same error as @peiranxiao

EDIT: After applying the fix from @tobiscode and restarting VS Code twice, it worked.

NegInfinity commented 1 month ago

Ran into the same issue, suggestion used by @tobiscode worked.

@michens , there is an ltex-neo project that may be accepting fixes, but is currently experiencing the same issue.

Currently I'm looking for an alternative that can spellcheck markdown.

Schranke95 commented 1 month ago

I have the same issue. I tried c:\...\bin\ltex-ls.bat --version in console and it gave me the correct output. { "ltex-ls": "15.2.0", "java": "11.0.12" }

I thought it was a problem of Java because of the output of VSCode 2024-07-29T17:17:28.196Z Info: env['JAVA_HOME']: undefined. I tried to set the system variables but it didn't solve the problem. I also tried to install the extension with the vsix.-file. But it didn't help. Took me half a day to find this issue :/

JonathanJPerry commented 1 month ago

I encountered this too. Good work by michens and thanks to tobiscode for the diff to fix. It'd be nice if this got fixed via PR or owners though to avoid others having to fix locally.

JakeSteam commented 1 month ago

Here's some overly detailed steps, in case it helps anyone:

  1. Open the extension's data, located at %USERPROFILE%.vscode\extensions\valentjn.vscode-ltex-13.1.0\dist\extension.js
    • E.g. for me this was c:\Users\jake_\.vscode\extensions\valentjn.vscode-ltex-13.1.0\dist\extension.js
  2. Edit the following sections, then save the file, restart VSCode, and it should all be working again.

Change line 13516:

            const executableOptions = {
                encoding: 'utf-8',
                timeout: 15000,


            const executableOptions = {
                encoding: 'utf-8',
                timeout: 15000,
                shell: true,

Change line 13616:

        const executableOptions = {
            encoding: 'utf-8',
            timeout: 15000,


        const executableOptions = {
            encoding: 'utf-8',
            timeout: 15000,
            shell: true,

Change line 24689:

                    const execOptions = Object.create(null);


                    const execOptions = {
                        shell: true

Change line 24823:

                options.cwd = options.cwd || serverWorkingDir;


                options.cwd = options.cwd || serverWorkingDir;
       = true;
EReis0 commented 1 month ago

Thank you @JakeSteam that worked! Once again, it loads up with no issues and works as intended. Life Saver!

Samuluo commented 1 month ago

same issue

RobuxShooters commented 1 month ago

I've applied the above fix locally to the extension.js file but I am now encountering issues with whitespace instead in %USERPROFILE% upon restarting Visual Studio Code and the extension as follows:

2024-08-13T16:02:35.490Z Info: Setting LTeX UI language to 'en'.
2024-08-13T16:02:35.490Z Info: Loading i18n messages...
2024-08-13T16:02:35.492Z Info: Loading default i18n messages...
2024-08-13T16:02:35.497Z Info: 
2024-08-13T16:02:35.497Z Info: ltex.ltex-ls.path not set.
2024-08-13T16:02:35.497Z Info: Searching for ltex-ls in 'c:\Users\Long Name Here\.vscode\extensions\valentjn.vscode-ltex-13.1.0\lib'...
2024-08-13T16:02:35.498Z Info: ltex-ls found in 'c:\Users\Long Name Here\.vscode\extensions\valentjn.vscode-ltex-13.1.0\lib\ltex-ls-15.2.0'.
2024-08-13T16:02:35.498Z Info: 
2024-08-13T16:02:35.498Z Info: Using ltex-ls from 'c:\Users\Long Name Here\.vscode\extensions\valentjn.vscode-ltex-13.1.0\lib\ltex-ls-15.2.0'.
2024-08-13T16:02:35.498Z Info: Using Java bundled with ltex-ls as is not set.
2024-08-13T16:02:35.499Z Info: Testing ltex-ls...
2024-08-13T16:02:35.499Z Info:   Command: "c:\\Users\\Long Name Here\\.vscode\\extensions\\valentjn.vscode-ltex-13.1.0\\lib\\ltex-ls-15.2.0\\bin\\ltex-ls.bat"
2024-08-13T16:02:35.499Z Info:   Arguments: ["--version"]
2024-08-13T16:02:35.499Z Info:   env['JAVA_HOME']: undefined
2024-08-13T16:02:35.499Z Info:   env['JAVA_OPTS']: "-Xms64m -Xmx512m"
2024-08-13T16:02:35.550Z Error: Test failed.
2024-08-13T16:02:35.550Z Error: Error details:
2024-08-13T16:02:35.550Z Info: ltex-ls terminated with non-zero exit code 1.
2024-08-13T16:02:35.550Z Info: stdout of ltex-ls:
2024-08-13T16:02:35.550Z Info: 
2024-08-13T16:02:35.550Z Info: stderr of ltex-ls:
2024-08-13T16:02:35.550Z Info: 'c:\Users\Long' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
2024-08-13T16:02:35.550Z Info: operable program or batch file.
2024-08-13T16:02:35.550Z Info: 
2024-08-13T16:02:35.550Z Info: You might want to try offline installation, see

"Long Name Here" is used as a substitute for my actual Username for privacy reasons.

I believe that this problem arises due to presence of whitespace in %USERPROFILE% because of the error 'c:\Users\Long' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file., which seems to be a relatively common problem in Windows PowerShell where it cuts off Long Name Here, interpreting the first segment as a command instead of the entire string as a path to the destination (i.e., the batch file).

Would there be a possible workaround for this problem while waiting (hopefully) for a fix? I'm thinking that modifying the batch file itself or something in extension.js that provides the path to the batch file would fix this issue, but being an end-user myself, this is simply out of my depth.

Samuluo commented 1 month ago


richetl commented 1 month ago

Applied the fixes stated, and while it did get past the originally posted error, there do seem to still be issues starting the local ltex server/client. Would love to see this holistically fixed in mainline. Thanks for the work so far!

Uchiha-Senju commented 1 month ago

I've applied the above fix locally to the extension.js file but I am now encountering issues with whitespace instead in %USERPROFILE% upon restarting Visual Studio Code and the extension as follows:

2024-08-13T16:02:35.490Z Info: Setting LTeX UI language to 'en'.
2024-08-13T16:02:35.490Z Info: Loading i18n messages...
2024-08-13T16:02:35.492Z Info: Loading default i18n messages...
2024-08-13T16:02:35.497Z Info: 
2024-08-13T16:02:35.497Z Info: ltex.ltex-ls.path not set.
2024-08-13T16:02:35.497Z Info: Searching for ltex-ls in 'c:\Users\Long Name Here\.vscode\extensions\valentjn.vscode-ltex-13.1.0\lib'...
2024-08-13T16:02:35.498Z Info: ltex-ls found in 'c:\Users\Long Name Here\.vscode\extensions\valentjn.vscode-ltex-13.1.0\lib\ltex-ls-15.2.0'.
2024-08-13T16:02:35.498Z Info: 
2024-08-13T16:02:35.498Z Info: Using ltex-ls from 'c:\Users\Long Name Here\.vscode\extensions\valentjn.vscode-ltex-13.1.0\lib\ltex-ls-15.2.0'.
2024-08-13T16:02:35.498Z Info: Using Java bundled with ltex-ls as is not set.
2024-08-13T16:02:35.499Z Info: Testing ltex-ls...
2024-08-13T16:02:35.499Z Info:   Command: "c:\\Users\\Long Name Here\\.vscode\\extensions\\valentjn.vscode-ltex-13.1.0\\lib\\ltex-ls-15.2.0\\bin\\ltex-ls.bat"
2024-08-13T16:02:35.499Z Info:   Arguments: ["--version"]
2024-08-13T16:02:35.499Z Info:   env['JAVA_HOME']: undefined
2024-08-13T16:02:35.499Z Info:   env['JAVA_OPTS']: "-Xms64m -Xmx512m"
2024-08-13T16:02:35.550Z Error: Test failed.
2024-08-13T16:02:35.550Z Error: Error details:
2024-08-13T16:02:35.550Z Info: ltex-ls terminated with non-zero exit code 1.
2024-08-13T16:02:35.550Z Info: stdout of ltex-ls:
2024-08-13T16:02:35.550Z Info: 
2024-08-13T16:02:35.550Z Info: stderr of ltex-ls:
2024-08-13T16:02:35.550Z Info: 'c:\Users\Long' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
2024-08-13T16:02:35.550Z Info: operable program or batch file.
2024-08-13T16:02:35.550Z Info: 
2024-08-13T16:02:35.550Z Info: You might want to try offline installation, see

"Long Name Here" is used as a substitute for my actual Username for privacy reasons.

I believe that this problem arises due to presence of whitespace in %USERPROFILE% because of the error 'c:\Users\Long' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file., which seems to be a relatively common problem in Windows PowerShell where it cuts off Long Name Here, interpreting the first segment as a command instead of the entire string as a path to the destination (i.e., the batch file).

Would there be a possible workaround for this problem while waiting (hopefully) for a fix? I'm thinking that modifying the batch file itself or something in extension.js that provides the path to the batch file would fix this issue, but being an end-user myself, this is simply out of my depth.

Running the batch file itself works, (so it's not referencing it's own path), meaning there is something in extension.js probably that is not considering spaces in paths. Although this part is I think more relevant to #80 (

spitzerd commented 1 month ago

As this repo seems to be unmaintained (and neo-ltex might as well), I created a fork:

divenex commented 3 weeks ago

Thank you @spitzerd! Your new fork of the LTeX extension for VSCode works for me with the latest VSCode 1.92. I confirm that the original LTeX extension gave the error described in this issue.

Foadsf commented 3 weeks ago

This seems like an easy fix. Has anyone tried sending a pull request (PR)?

veronidan commented 3 weeks ago

Thank you @spitzerd for your fork keeping Ltex alive, but after installing Ltex+ this error comes up :

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: org/bsplines/ltexls/LtexLanguageServerLauncher has been compiled by a more recent version of the Java Runtime (class file version 55.0), this version of the Java Runtime only recognizes class file versions up to 52.0

Thank you anyone for advice.

spitzerd commented 2 weeks ago

@veronidan Can you please open an issue at ?