valentyna-lytovchenko / homepage

My very own personal website. Basically this is just a résumé.
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Скласти додаткові інформаційні блоки #7

Closed valentyna-lytovchenko closed 3 years ago

valentyna-lytovchenko commented 3 years ago

Можна зробити резюме менш формальним, додавши додаткові блоки, які містять корисну інформацію, але подають її в "розважальній" формі. Наприклад, що подобається і не подобається, сильні і слабкі сторони, перелік навиків чи хобі, інфографіка або ж інтерактивні модулі, тощо. Варто написати контент такого блоку раніше, ніж починати верстку, бо його розміри впливатимуть на розміщення елементів на сторінці.

valentyna-lytovchenko commented 3 years ago

Jack was the first author in the world to become a millionaire from his writing. Perhaps surprisingly given his advocacy for ‘the socialism of the caveman’, London was an enterprising man driven by a desire to amass wealth, as exemplified by his spell in the Klondike during the gold rush. Gold-mining didn’t make him a millionaire, but London’s fiction would prove to be a literary goldmine. By the end of his life he was bringing in over $75,000 a year from his writing.

Jack London only completed an eighth-grade education, but beat college students to win the first prize in the writing contest, when he was only 17 years old. Winning the prize in the writing contest gave Jack London the desire to become a writer. Jack London started having stories published in Overland Monthly in 1899 and set a goal to write at least 1000 words each day. Jack London's famous novel The Call of the Wild was published in 1903. This book brought him some money and fame. The book was about a dog finding his was as a sled dog, in the Yukon where Jack previously traveled to in an effort to find gold. Jack London wrote a great number of novels, short stories, memoirs, non-fiction, essays, poems, and even plays. Jack London's most famous novels include The Call of the Wild, White Fang, and The Iron Heel. Jack London's most famous short stories include To Build a Fire, Love of Life, and An Odyssey of the North. On January 11th, 1986 the US Postal service released a $ 0.25 stamp in his honor. There is a lake named after Jack London in Magadan Oblast called Jack London Lake.