valeoai / RADIal

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Mismatch between code and dataset contents #10

Closed NicolasCazin42 closed 2 years ago

NicolasCazin42 commented 2 years ago


I tried to test the provided code with the provided dataset, code and checkpoint as described in the README:

There is a compatibility issue between line 71 of file FFTRadNet/dataset/ and the expected file extension (npy expected in the code but npz provided)

I found a quick fix by having a look at RADIal/loader/ file, line 60. It consists in referring to npz file, arr_0 file:

radar_name = os.path.join(self.root_dir,'radar_FFT',"fft_{:06d}.npz".format(sample_id))
input = np.load(radar_name,allow_pickle=True)['arr_0']

With this fix, I am now able to launch, and scripts but more serious problems happened:

===========  Dataset  ==================:
      Mode: sequence
      Training: 6118
      Validation: 786
      Test: 744

===========  Loading the model ==================:
===========  Running the evaluation ==================:
Generating Predictions...
743/744 [==================>.] - ETA: 0s------- Detection Scores ------------
  mAP: 0.002538829151732378
  mAR: 0.002457002457002457
  F1 score: 0.002497245684906354
------- Regression Errors------------
  Range Error: 0.08149683475494385 m
  Angle Error: 0.2016620635986328 degree
------- Freespace Scores ------------
  mIoU 63.01938749672122 %

Test0 Test1

Do you have an explanation and a suggestion for using FFTRadNet properly ?

Best regards, Nicolas

jrebut commented 2 years ago

HI Nicolas,

Thank you for reporting the error. We reproduced it. However, this dataset version (with npz file instead of npy) was not supposed to be there! Because over the week end we uploaded the anonymized full size version of the dataset, we encourage you to download it again and this should be fully compatible with the current model version. Please, note that we moved from DropBox to Google, the download links have been updated too. Just in case, you can download the dataset using the following link:

Please, let us know if you experiment other issues and we would be happy to assist you Regards Julien