valeoai / WaffleIron

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Release of Checkpoint #1

Closed ldkong1205 closed 1 year ago

ldkong1205 commented 1 year ago

Hi @anhquancao @gpuy @tristanschultz, thanks a lot for open-sourcing your work!

Regarding the reproduction, could you share with me the trained model weights on SemanticKITTI? Thanks for your help!

gpuy commented 1 year ago

Hi @ldkong1205,

Thanks for your interest in this work. Pretrained models are normally already available. For SemanticKITTI, you should be able to use the pretrained model directly with the following commands:

git clone
cd WaffleIron
tar -xvzf pretrained_kitti.tar.gz

Let me know if the link does not work for you.

ldkong1205 commented 1 year ago

Hi @gpuy, thanks for your reply!

I have tested the links for downloading data_info, kitti_ckp, and nusc_ckp, and all of them are good. I will test their performance now to see if they can match the reported scores in the paper, and get to know more implementation of this work.

Thanks again for open-sourcing this insightful work!