valeratrades / discretionary_engine

LaTeX of trading
Apache License 2.0
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Nothing works, but we compile #4

Closed valeratrades closed 2 months ago

valeratrades commented 2 months ago

No clue how to split PRs at this stage. If I do any more, it will become too dispersed, so looked like a reasonable cut-off. Currently tried to hard-code order execution in the hub, so ignore it; implemented protocol feeds orders as it should. Next will do transform on orders for binance and then actual exchange runtime implemtation for it

dev-ardi commented 2 months ago

For changes that are only moving a file prefer doing that in a single "move" commit because otherwise the diff is too big

dev-ardi commented 2 months ago

Btw can't really review changes in commits that large

valeratrades commented 2 months ago

Nothing new that is too crazy, so don't worry about this one. Will put effort into making the following commits and PRs as structured as I can.

(Ah, and if it's a "." - don't even bother opening; it's either very minor, either a complete and utter madness.)