valerijv / youtube-scraper

Youtube scraper using Google API, Symfony 4, vuejs and vuetify
1 stars 2 forks source link

window cmd run error google_api_key #1

Open youngboda opened 5 years ago

youngboda commented 5 years ago

image ok

laravel 5.7, image

exec('start  C:\php\php.exe   D:\blog\youtube-scraper\bin\console app:get-videos UCVObSp4MlJwCsh6vtKz4PHQ');

I need your help.

The first image works normally. However, like the second image, it seems that you can not pass google_api_key at run time.

valerijv commented 5 years ago

google_api_key is set in .env for the whole project. Currently there is no way to set it at runtime. Possibly you could implement it yourself :)