valerio-vaccaro /

Liquid testnet faucet, asset issuer and minimal explorer based on a fullnode + flask app.
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How is liquid mined? #14

Open jomagalo opened 5 months ago

jomagalo commented 5 months ago


I have set up a liquid node (liquidtestnet). I want to mine some blocks to get some coins, but I can't find a way. Could you tell me how to proceed?

I have tried this: elements-cli rescanblockchain elements-cli generatetoaddress 11 myaddr

Unable to fill out dynamic federation signblockscript witness, are you sure it's WSH(OP_TRUE)?

Is there a similar way or another procedure to create liquid in testnet?

Thank you

levantah commented 1 month ago

Not possible.

If you could mine it would be slightly similar to mining on a custom Bitcoin signet but there even if very low difficulty and permissioned, one still mines but on Liquid (incl. liquidtestnet) the blocks are just made and signed.