valeriupredoi / bgcval2

Package for BGCVal v2.0
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Thoughts on user interface - especially for comparison reports. #15

Open ledm opened 2 years ago

ledm commented 2 years ago

We need to figure out a good user interface. This could be a long issue, so get comfortable. Obviously, this is very much open to discussion and not final in any way.

In BGC-val-public, we provided a single yaml which included all of this for a single run. It was way too much, and hard to set up.

In BGC-val-public, the global settings included mostly global stuff, but also some stuff that was run specific:z

jobID       : r1i1p1 Unique run/simulation/job identifiers
model       : HadGEM2-ES ; 
scenarios   : historical ;  The climate scenario
year        : 2000
timerange   : 1750 2101     ; The time range

; -------------------------------
; location to put the global html report
reportdir   : reports/CMIP5/CMIP5-$SCENARIO-$JOBID-chl_debug

; -------------------------------
; Boolean flags
clean       : False ;           ; Boolean flag to make a run from scratch.
makeTS      : True ;            ; Boolean flag to make the time series plots.
makeProfiles    : True ;            ; Boolean flag to make the 3D profile.
makeP2P     : False ;           ; Boolean flag to make the P2P plots.
makeComp    : True ;            ; Boolean flag to make the Comparison of multiple jobs.
makeReport  : True ;            ; Boolean flag to make the global report.
makeCSV     : False ;           ; Boolean flag to make the CSV files.

; -------------------------------
; Base directories  - so the base directory path doesn't need to be repeated every time
basedir_model   : /badc/cmip5/data/cmip5/output1/       ; To replace $BASEDIR_MODEL
basedir_obs : /group_workspaces/jasmin/esmeval/example_data/bgc/        ; To replace $BASEDIR_OBS
basedir_images  : /group_workspaces/jasmin2/ukesm/      ; To replace $BASEDIR_IMAGES
basedir_work    : /group_workspaces/jasmin2/ukesm/      ; To replace $BASEDIR_WORK

; -------------------------------
; Default model files
modelFiles  : $BASEDIR_MODEL/*/$MODEL/$SCENARIO/yr/ocean/Oyr/$JOBID/latest/$NAME/$NAME*_Oyr_$MODEL_*$SCENARIO*$JOBID*.nc
modelFiles_p2p  : $BASEDIR_MODEL/*/$MODEL/$SCENARIO/yr/ocean/Oyr/$JOBID/latest/$NAME/$NAME*_Oyr_$MODEL_*$SCENARIO*$JOBID*.nc

; Default Output Images folders
images_pro      : $BASEDIR_IMAGES/$USERNAME/CMIP5/images/$MODEL/$SCENARIO-$JOBID/profiles/$NAME

; -------------------------------
; Default Working directories
postproc_pro    : $BASEDIR_WORK/$USERNAME/CMIP5/work/$MODEL/$SCENARIO-$JOBID/profiles/$NAME

; -------------------------------
; These are the default model coordinates (CMIP5 conventions on JASMIN)
model_t     : time          ; model time dimension
model_cal   : auto          ; model calendar
model_z     : lev           ; model depth dimension
model_lat   : lat           ; model latitude dimension
model_lon   : lon           ; model latitude dimension

; -------------------------------
; Default model grid files
modelgrid   : CMIP5-$MODEL-grid
gridFile    : Cmip5Grids/$

; -------------------------------
; The default observational data details. 
; Left empty as observational dataset do not
; usually have standardised coordinates.
data_t      :
data_cal    :
data_z      :
data_lat    :
data_lon    :
data_tdict  :
dataFile    :

Which is a lot, and also several weird bits. And I didn't know how to use yaml anchors at the time, so there's a bit of repetition. But the dynamic paths are pretty handy, and it would be nice to have that in BGCval2.

The timeseries and p2p analyses

In bgc-val public, we provided a yaml section for each variables, but this still had too much detail:

name            : DIC
units           : mmol C/m^3
datasource      : GLODAPv2
dimensions      : 3

; The filenames
modelFiles      : $BASEDIR_MODEL/$JOBID/medusa*_1y_*
modelFile_p2p   : $BASEDIR_MODEL/$JOBID/medusa*_1y_*$YEAR????
dataFile        : $BASEDIR_OBS/GLODAPv2/GLODAPv2_Mapped_Climatologies/

; Model coordinates/dimension names
model_vars      : DIC
model_convert   : NoChange

; Data coordinates names
data_t          : index_t
data_cal        : standard
data_z          : Pressure
data_lat        : lat
data_lon        : lon
data_vars       : tco2
data_tdict      : ZeroToZero
data_convert    : multiplyBy
data_convert_factor : 1.027
layers          : Surface
regions         : Global

A lot of this could be hidden in a pre-defined yaml, and the user simply requests DIC in their runtime. You may also notice that this is both a timeseries and a p2p analysis together.

Compare report settings

This is where nearly 100% of the BGC-val v1 use case was for the UKESM core group. If we could get a simple interface to make a comparison report, my life would be so much easier.

We'd need it to:

To do this, the user input would need to be the list of details in #8:

In an ideal world, I'd want a single yaml to do all of this:

analysis_name: hotsauce
jobIDs : 
       description: job number 1
        colour: green
        linestyle: -
        linewidth: 1.2
        year_diff: none
       description: job 1 with extra hot sauce
        colour: red
        linestyle: -
        linewidth: 1.2
        year_diff: +75
       description:  job 1 hold the hot sauce
        colour: blue
        linestyle: -
        linewidth: 1.2
        year_diff: -1850

Anyway, just a way to kick start a discussion, or at least figure something out.

ledm commented 2 years ago

So, there's clearly several things here:

I'm going to skip straight to the comparison report stuff first.

ledm commented 2 years ago

So the analysis_compare part is done now( #24), but I may still change the other bits of the interface for the timeseries and p2p analyses..