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Design proposals for website #25

Closed viniciusalmeida closed 6 years ago

viniciusalmeida commented 6 years ago

I spent a few minutes to draft out my thoughts about the comunity website based on the @abnersajr's PR which treat the project logo (

  1. The home page vod-1

  2. The individual event page vod-2

Again. Is it a prototype, I will be glad if @giulianovarriale or @abnersajr provide feedback about that.

NOTE 1: I don't know exactly which logo listed in the PR is the final version, so I just got one of them in order to illustrate the prototype.

NOTE2: my ideas are based in the Jekyll features. I really don't know how to get all of this done with docpad. If possible, I can create that with the Jekyll stack. If is not possible, I can help you guys with the style and JS for the new website.

viniciusalmeida commented 6 years ago

Two additional points:

boniattirodrigo commented 6 years ago

Pretty nice @viniciusalmeida! 👏

I loved it.

I believe that Jekyll stack will be great for us. We could start to do, I am not sure if I'll have enough time to collaborate, but I'll try.

What tool did you use to develop it?

viniciusalmeida commented 6 years ago

Good to know @boniattirodrigo 🙂

Let's made a POC for that. I just don't want to spend too much time on that before to have a clear consensus about this change (I'm talking about the website engine)...

I used the Illustrator to draw that 😊

paulodiovani commented 6 years ago

I really like Jekyll, We started using Docpad here cause it was based on braziljs/conf-boilerplate, only, it's not supposed to be a restriction.

@viniciusalmeida Fell free to start upgrade to Jekyll in a separate branch.

Some thoughts to keep in mind:

  1. We need an archive/ directory to store html (generated) only pages, for previous meetups whatever the plataform used. (see #21 and #26 )

  2. You guys probably noticed that I used a placeholder for an embedded form. I'm suggesting to use Pipefy in order to keep all the papers proposals tracked in...

    Lets keep it simple. We can change layout/design while moving to Jekyll altogether, but change CFP (to Pipefy of whatever) and embed slides shall be separate issues

  3. I also suggest to have an exclusive page for each...

    I like the single page style -- no links or tabs to check meetups content. It's easier to scroll/slide than to click. But this can be discussed.

abnersajr commented 6 years ago

I loved the layout, however, having a few considerations:

Lastly, congratz for everyone involved in this layout and my vote is :+1:. :clap: :clap:

PS: here is a dropbox folder listed previously at #6. To make the logo I used affinity designer.

abnersajr commented 6 years ago

I made this two versions placing the text aside. vod-5-1000x405 vod-5-1000x405-white

abnersajr commented 6 years ago

Also this two versions with vod inside the polygon. vod-5-vod-1000x405 vod-5-vod-white-text-1000x405

paulodiovani commented 6 years ago

Do we have any ongoing work on this?

viniciusalmeida commented 6 years ago


It's stopped for now but I think that there isn't too much work to get it done. What do you say @ArthurKonrad?

paulodiovani commented 6 years ago


arthurskonrad commented 6 years ago

As I remember, and as @viniciusalmeida said, isn't much work to be done. Will take a look asap. By the way there are some changes at the logo, right?

viniciusalmeida commented 6 years ago

This is totally deprecated. Makes no sense to finish it since we change the event name