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Dodajanje specifikacij uporabnika #6

Closed tjazerzen closed 1 year ago

tjazerzen commented 1 year ago


The code has been refactored for better readability and to adhere to best coding practices. This includes adopting the snake_case convention for function names and improving the organization of imported modules.

Improved User Verification

The PR introduces a new function, preveri_uporabnika(), which retrieves the user ID from a cookie and verifies it against the database.

Improved User Registration

An additional field vse_mozne_drzave has been added in the registracija_get() function that fetches all possible countries for a user to select during registration.

User Login and Logout Enhancements

More detailed error messages have been introduced during the login process to inform the user if their email doesn't exist in the database, or if the password entered is incorrect. A new path for user redirection, uporabnik_get, has been introduced after successful login.

User Profile Management

The PR introduces a range of new functionalities related to user profile management. These include:

Additional User Pages

New routes have been defined for additional user pages like "About", "Hall of Fame", "Team Statistics", and "User Profile".


The odjava function has been introduced to delete the user ID cookie and redirect the user to the index page.

User Profile Retrieval

In the profil_get() function, user data is retrieved from the database for display.


The dobi_prvi_rezultat(cur) method has been modified to improve its functionality.


A new static method _email_ze_obstaja_q(email, cur) has been added, which seems to check if a given email already exists in the database. The _gesli_enaki(geslo, ponovljeno_geslo) method has been modified for better functionality.

The template function has been adjusted for simplification.

HTML Changes

The HTML changes involve additions to several pages including about.html, base.html, hall_of_fame.html, profil.html, statistike_ekip.html, uporabnik.html, and registracija.html.


A new HTML page about the platform was added. It includes basic information about the purpose of the platform.


This file underwent multiple changes to enhance the navigation bar and the site footer. The changes include conditional display of links based on user type (registered or guest), adding useful platform-related links, and styling improvements.

hall_of_fame.html, profil.html, statistike_ekip.html and uporabnik.html

These new HTML pages have been added to handle display and interaction with the user's profile, hall of fame information, team statistics, and user-selected countries respectively.


The registration page has been updated to dynamically populate a dropdown menu with available countries for a user to select during the registration process.

In summary, this pull request enhances the website's functionality and user interface by improving database utility methods, simplifying template rendering, and significantly enhancing the layout and content of various webpages.