Use case:
Our team has its own utility container for working within our multicloud environment. We have rebased our container to hybridcloudpatterns/utility-container:latest so we can pick up all required VP tooling.
Our container makes use of a git clone to pull in the validated pattern repo as a subfolder. We include our own Makefile in our DIR_HOME to hand-off to VPs Makefile appropriately.
Use case: Our team has its own utility container for working within our multicloud environment. We have rebased our container to hybridcloudpatterns/utility-container:latest so we can pick up all required VP tooling.
Our container makes use of a git clone to pull in the validated pattern repo as a subfolder. We include our own Makefile in our DIR_HOME to hand-off to VPs Makefile appropriately.
Containerfile Extract
Requested Changes
To facilitate the use case above I am requesting modifications be made to common/Makefile as follows:
TARGET_REPO ?= $[….]
The last set of changes I will leave to you but effectively any VP references to value files should be prefixed with $(VP_DIR_VALUES).
Example changes I have found so far include common/Makefile line 39 and 43:
HELM_OPTS=-f $(VP_DIR_VALUES)/values-global.yaml
And line 65:
$(eval CLUSTERGROUP ?= $(shell yq ".main.clusterGroupName" $(VP_DIR_VALUES)/values-global.yaml))
I believe other files are involved in this update as well like common/scripts/