validatorjs / validator.js

String validation
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Add isXRPAddress validator #1630

Open tadejgolobic opened 3 years ago

tadejgolobic commented 3 years ago

This is a feature request to add new validator that will validate string if it is valid XRP address.

specification There are two types of XRP addresses:

classic address is base58 string, that starts with small r and can be between 25 and 35 characters long xAddress is "extension" of classic address, that also includes destinationTag and is different per network (test & mainnet).

proposal Add new isXRPAddress validator, that will check if string is vallid XRP classic address. User can also specify options, so that validator can check if address is specific address and/or xAddress.

  classicAddress: boolean
  xAddress: {
    test: boolean
SoldierCorp commented 2 years ago


Could you please assign it to me? I want to contribute to your project.

tux-tn commented 2 years ago

@SoldierCorp Thank you for your interest but there is already an open PR about this #1631. We will probably wait a little more for the author to respond before closing it for inactivity.