valinet / ExplorerPatcher

This project aims to enhance the working environment on Windows
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RAM goes up to 100% when opening Windows 10 Start #2300

Closed Mattem300 closed 7 months ago

Mattem300 commented 7 months ago

so, I started getting this issue pretty recently, AND IT IS MAD ANNOYING. Every time you open start, the RAM in your computer is literally going to EXPLODE, and I always have to force shutdown my PC to fix this. Anyway, I started using Windows 11 Start again... Also I'm pretty sure that the Windows 10 taskbar fits pretty well with the Windows 11 Start Menu... (also that is like the only reason why I started using Explorer Patcher, I used it in the past but I was scared it was somehow like going to corrupt the system files...


Amrsatrio commented 7 months ago

Please state your Windows version from winver. So it memory leaks when you open the old start menu with the old taskbar?

Amrsatrio commented 7 months ago

@roflcopter4 Perhaps can you help me reviewing this code for memory leaks or such? Seems like this mem leak is a first with this particular case.

Mattem300 commented 7 months ago

@roflcopter4 Perhaps can you help me reviewing this code for memory leaks or such? Seems like this mem leak is a first with this particular case.

umm where is that

Please state your Windows version from winver. So it memory leaks when you open the old start menu with the old taskbar?

Mattem300 commented 7 months ago

Please state your Windows version from winver. So it memory leaks when you open the old start menu with the old taskbar?

also I use the old taskbar to open start.

Amrsatrio commented 7 months ago

It's an ancient preview build of Windows 11. Do you have options to update your Windows? Can you leave the Insider program?

Mattem300 commented 7 months ago

I am scanning for new updates...

Mattem300 commented 7 months ago

it is not showing anything new?

Mattem300 commented 7 months ago

Apparently, I am already in the queue to leave the insider program? image

Mattem300 commented 7 months ago

Also, why am I in the insider program for like 1 year?

Amrsatrio commented 7 months ago

I guess you'd better attempt to download the latest Windows 11 Media Creation Tool and attempt an in place upgrade or if not possible, a clean install. So that you will still get updates and proper support with EP.

Mattem300 commented 7 months ago

Alright, I'm not sure if my PC is corrupted but this is the second time my PC literally has corrupted Windows installed into it. The first time was when I upgraded to Windows 11, explorer would always just now work, and now Windows Search and Windows Update is corrupted... Is it just the games I mostly install or what???

Mattem300 commented 7 months ago

I guess you'd better attempt to download the latest Windows 11 Media Creation Tool and attempt an in place upgrade or if not possible, a clean install. So that you will still get updates and proper support with EP.

Anyway thanks for the advice

Amrsatrio commented 7 months ago

And thanks for pointing out that there is a flaw in my code that fixes start menu folders on 22621.2134+. Because Microsoft's build numbering system has been very confusing lately, the code that were made to support newer builds are run on your ancient build therefore causing unexpected issues.

pyrates999 commented 7 months ago

Alright, I'm not sure if my PC is corrupted but this is the second time my PC literally has corrupted Windows installed into it. The first time was when I upgraded to Windows 11, explorer would always just now work, and now Windows Search and Windows Update is corrupted... Is it just the games I mostly install or what???

That can point to issues with your hardware if it keeps happening on a regular basis.

Once you have reinstalled windows, you can do the following to repair it if it needs it. Please run the following in an elevated command prompt or elevated powershell:

chkdsk C:

If it tells you there are errors, then run this:

chkdsk C: /F

Reboot to run it on boot. Keep running that command until it reports no errors. Then run this to repair windows:

sfc /scannow
dism /online /cleanup-image /scanhealth
dism /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth
dism /online /cleanup-image /checkhealth
dism /online /cleanup-image /analyzecomponentstore
dism /online /cleanup-image /startcomponentcleanup

Then reboot your computer.

Mattem300 commented 7 months ago

so I had just in-place upgraded, and I already feel like I got a new computer... bruh

Mattem300 commented 7 months ago

so FOR SOME REASON THIS STILL HAPPENS EVEN THOUGH I AM ON Windows 11 22H2 build 22621.2428 .....

pyrates999 commented 7 months ago

Uninstall EP and see if this is still happens.

Amrsatrio commented 7 months ago

Calm down. Try setting your Start Menu to Windows 11, and then open it, and then set back to Windows 10. Let me know if it's resolved. I acknowledge that it was my fault for not writing proper code.

Amrsatrio commented 7 months ago

Also, if you don't mind, can you export this registry key into a .reg file and send it here? (Try as .txt extension if GitHub doesn't allow)


Edit: I've built a new prerelease and please try installing it. Otherwise, if it is still exploding, I recommend to try deleting these values in the said registry key.


Amrsatrio commented 7 months ago

Here's the newly built prerelease that potentially fixes your issue:

Mattem300 commented 7 months ago

Also, if you don't mind, can you export this registry key into a .reg file and send it here? (Try as .txt extension if GitHub doesn't allow)


Edit: I've built a new prerelease and please try installing it. Otherwise, if it is still exploding, I recommend to try deleting these values in the said registry key.


Does this break the Windows 11 Start or not?

Mattem300 commented 7 months ago

Here's the newly built prerelease that potentially fixes your issue:

So I don't know if it is a Driver or Hardware issue but this didn't really fix anything but only made the lag surface after a few minutes of the start opened

Mattem300 commented 7 months ago

wait it just fixed something

Mattem300 commented 7 months ago

yeah, i am going to restart now to see if that fixed it

Amrsatrio commented 7 months ago

Does this break the Windows 11 Start or not?

If your Windows 10 start data is not corrupted, it will not.

Mattem300 commented 7 months ago

Just had to manually crash my computer with CTRL+SCROLL-LOCK.... I don't really think that my Windows 10 Start Data is corrupted... Anyway thanks for the advice, maybe the regedit hack will fix it

Mattem300 commented 7 months ago

Also, if you don't mind, can you export this registry key into a .reg file and send it here? (Try as .txt extension if GitHub doesn't allow)


Edit: I've built a new prerelease and please try installing it. Otherwise, if it is still exploding, I recommend to try deleting these values in the said registry key.


Mattem300 commented 7 months ago

Here's the screenshot

Mattem300 commented 7 months ago

So here's the export as a TXT

Mattem300 commented 7 months ago


Amrsatrio commented 7 months ago

Bingo. VisiblePlaces is corrupted. Try deleting that key and that should do.

Mattem300 commented 7 months ago

he gone 💀

Amrsatrio commented 7 months ago

Does the RAM usage still explode now?

Mattem300 commented 7 months ago

it still does

Amrsatrio commented 7 months ago

If it still explodes, then your Windows 10 start menu data is corrupted. I suggest to try deleting HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\CloudStore\Store\Cache\DefaultAccount.


Mattem300 commented 7 months ago

Well It makes sense that it is corrupted because my last Windows version that was corrupted had the start search not working so it maybe spread from that into Windows Update and then into Start Data

Mattem300 commented 7 months ago


Amrsatrio commented 7 months ago

So yeah try deleting that DefaultAccount key and the VisiblePlaces value as I've said above.

Mattem300 commented 7 months ago

gone again 💀

Amrsatrio commented 7 months ago

Did it fix the new menu?

Mattem300 commented 7 months ago

one sec

Mattem300 commented 7 months ago

yoyoyoyoyoyoyoyo NO WAY

Mattem300 commented 7 months ago


Amrsatrio commented 7 months ago

So it was due to the old start menu data being corrupted. Might be my fault though for writing the code for fixing start menu folders on 22621.2134+ improperly. In that case, I'm really sorry for that.

Anyways, I'm glad to see your issue being resolved 🎉 You can close this issue.

Mattem300 commented 7 months ago

It is just time to add all the stuff back and it will work as fine!

Mattem300 commented 7 months ago

also the Windows 11 start still has its data which is good!
