valinet / WinCenterTitle

WinCenterTitle is a simple tool that allows you to center align the text in Windows 10 titlebars, the same way it was in Windows 8, 8.1, or even 3.1.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Overrides msstyle titlebar colors #18

Closed nodgear closed 2 years ago

nodgear commented 2 years ago

When dwm is patched and scheduler is running, doesn't matter which msstyle you pick, it will always be white themed. Here's one example: image Firefox and explorer windows have the correct titlebar color, meanwhile, taskmanager and other win32 apps have it set to white.

Expected behaviour: Titlebar being dark when darkmode is enabled

edit: i have double checked the msstyle theme atlas and properties with WSB and couldn't find any relation between them and the mentioned issue.

edit²: Not sure if that information helps, but applying the theme with firefox window open makes it use dark variant, but not taskmanager and others.

nodgear commented 2 years ago

This seems to be weird behavior from windows being inconsistent with it's own UI. (oh wow, what a surprise...) Most win32 apps will have the titlebar colored by accent when active and white when background.

I wonder if replacing/modifying the aero theme can fix that without having to add registry keys for DWM/AccentColorInactive.