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[QUESTION] How do we want to handle redis-py? #164

Closed daniel-house closed 3 months ago

daniel-house commented 5 months ago


Current status:

The command

find . -type f -name \* -exec grep -il redis-py {} \;

reports that the string redis-py appears in these files of the repo:


In the repo it appears in these files:


In the Valkey version of, it was replaced with placeholderkv-py in two places.

mnislam01 commented 5 months ago

Clone it and rebrand it to yield valkey-py

zuiderkwast commented 5 months ago

I'm not sure we want to maintain clones of all clients. We have other things to do. :)

We are redis-7.2 compatible so all redis clients are valkey clients for now. The path needs to match where the client's home is though, so if we wrote "placeholderkv" somewhere, we need to change back to "".

In the README, it's just an example of how to add clients to the docs. In they just removed the example.

madolson commented 5 months ago

I think we should, in the fullness of time, aim to maintain forks of the clients. The Redis client ecosystem is all over the place, and one of the ways we can make Valkey better is to have more "official" clients. Python is likely a good one to do first, especially if we want to start using it for testing.

yangbodong22011 commented 5 months ago

As a Jedis Reviewer, especially in the Java ecosystem, I personally don’t think forking the client would be a wise choice, ~~because unless we do a very thorough renaming and package path modification (such as renaming redis.clients.jedis.Jedis is io.valkey.ValkeyXX), otherwise when the user relies on jedis or valkey-jedis at the same time, a class conflict will occur. Even if the renaming and publishing are completed, users will still need to make a lot of adaptations, that is, from Jedis jedis = new Jedis() to ValkeyXX valkey = new ValkeyXX(). This is a very large code change.~~

EDIT: The above statement is wrong. Java distinguishes classes according to paths. Classes with the same name are allowed under different paths. For example, redis.clients.Jedis and io.valkey.Jedis can coexist.

kamikaze commented 5 months ago

Clone it and rebrand it to yield valkey-py.

zuiderkwast commented 5 months ago

@kamikaze Are you willing to be an active maintainer of it?

PingXie commented 5 months ago

I agree with @madolson's vision that we need official Valkey clients but I would side with @yangbodong22011 on the tactics. Cloning and forking existing Redis clients will easily end up boiling the ocean. I don't think we should take that approach. I have been advocating this offline but also wanted to share my vision here on how we could evolve the Valkey client ecosystem. I think it will be great if we could team up with the GLIDE maintainers and explore the opportunity of making GLIDE a native Valkey client. I think GLIDE's approach of "write once (in RUST) and run everywhere (through language binding)" would help us quickly close the gap in the client ecosystem. But again, I am not suggesting we clone GLIDE under Valkey. There should still be one GLIDE project.

bmuessig commented 5 months ago

I doubt it would make sense to fork every single Redis client. That would be an unmaintainable nightmare without any benefit. Valkey being compatible by design with Redis should be enough.

madolson commented 5 months ago

I think it will be great if we could team up with the GLIDE maintainers and explore the opportunity of making GLIDE a native Valkey client. I think GLIDE's approach of "write once (in RUST) and run everywhere (through language binding)" would help us quickly close the gap in the client ecosystem. But again, I am not suggesting we clone GLIDE under Valkey. There should still be one GLIDE project.

So GLIDE is an AWS client, and they are very aligned with the idea of being the official client for Valkey. I've talked with the folks, and they would be open to to discussing moving it officially under valkey. We have more problems to deal with though:

  1. Their is a huge install base of Redis that is not using glide, that we would like to move to Valkey if they don't like the license change. Asking them to move to a new client that is quite different is not a small effort.
  2. GLIDE isn't GA, and has very little production usage. I'm really hesitant to lean into a client that has so little proven ground around it. There could be structural problems that prevents widespread adoption we still haven't seen.

Tactically we need a short term and long term perspective. The long term might be glide. We also have to deal with the fact that Redis will likely no longer accept features that are just for Valkey. If we introduce a new API, let's say empty sets since it's on my mind, which has new APIs, what do we do about that? It could even be worse, they might explicitly introduce APIs that try to detect it's Valkey and prevent access. Redis only has like 6 official clients (I tried to find them but their website is so broken I couldn't find them, but it's like go, ioredis, ruiredis, jedis, lettuce, redis-py, and probably some more). I think we should consider being ready to fork those at a moments notice as well as reaching out to other client developers to make sure they don't give their clients to Redis.

zuiderkwast commented 5 months ago

Reaching out to all non-official client authors would be good. We can ask them to update their info that they support valkey and add valkey to their ci. There are many such clients. Supporting both would just be good for them, don't you think?

PingXie commented 5 months ago

Good to know that GLIDE is joining Valkey :)

Here is my view of the short/medium/long term strategies

Let's not break any clients. This is also why I'd like to delay the discussion of removing any compat support, which should not be a time bound decision.

As @zuiderkwast mentioned above, work with the existing Redis clients to bring Valkey support there (as opposed to forking them here). I am calling this medium term because I expect it will take us a while to get there; not because we should delay the outreach.

GLIDE. The timeline is also about the "delivery date" not the starting date.

yangbodong22011 commented 5 months ago

From a user perspective, migrating the client is indeed a relatively large task:

  1. The code needs to be modified.
  2. Various tests: compatibility, performance, etc.

For the sake of customer continuity, it seems that forking the client has to be considered. If allowed, I would like to fork a client first (such as Jedis).

zuiderkwast commented 5 months ago

If allowed, I would like to fork a client first (such as Jedis).

I would say yes, if you are ready to maintain it long-term or find others who can help maintain it. The core team members will probably not have time to maintain forked clients.

yangbodong22011 commented 5 months ago

List some Redis clients held by Redis Inc and other open source Redis clients. Clients willing to support valkey are also welcome to comment under this post:

Language Redis Inc OSS
Java Jedis, Lettuce Redisson(commercial)
Node.js node-redis, ioredis
Go go-redis, rueidis redigo
Python redis-py
C hiredis
Ruby redis-rb
Erlang eredis, ered
yangbodong22011 commented 5 months ago

If allowed, I would like to fork a client first (such as Jedis).

I would say yes, if you are ready to maintain it long-term or find others who can help maintain it. The core team members will probably not have time to maintain forked clients.

Yes, I am ready to maintain and add a new feature to valkey-jedis(Name to be determined). If the fork clients strategy will be approved by the @valkey-io/core-team , the next step is to fork Jedis under the Valkey organization, and I will start working.

daniel-house commented 5 months ago

We also have to deal with the fact that Redis will likely no longer accept features that are just for Valkey.

They will probably accept any features that threaten to lure people to Valkey.

they might explicitly introduce APIs that try to detect it's Valkey and prevent access.

If they don't do this, they are incompetent.

It should be expected that they will attempt to decommodify the protocol. They will be looking for ways to extend the protocol so that at best we will be constantly working to remain compatible with them and at worst we will be legally blocked from remaining compatible. The good news is, it didn't work for Microsoft so it probably won't work for Redis.

PingXie commented 5 months ago

Yes, I am ready to maintain and add a new feature to valkey-jedis(Name to be determined). If the fork clients strategy will be approved by the @valkey-io/core-team , the next step is to fork Jedis under the Valkey organization, and I will start working.

I wouldn't suggest valkey-jedis for the branding reason. I would also suggest not starting this fork under the Valkey project, yet.

It should be expected that they will attempt to decommodify the protocol. They will be looking for ways to extend the protocol so that at best we will be constantly working to remain compatible with them and at worst we will be legally blocked from remaining compatible.

Although I share the exact same sentiment, I think this will take quite a while for them to get there. In the meanwhile, the best we can do IMO is still maintaining full compat with these clients.

daniel-house commented 5 months ago

The Redis protocol is old enough and popular enough - maybe it deserves to move from being a de-facto standard to being an ISO standard.

PingXie commented 5 months ago

I love this idea. One downside is that any change will have to through a huge committee but on a second thought Redis never had the freedom to unilaterally change the protocol anyways, given the diverse client ecosystem.

yangbodong22011 commented 5 months ago

In addition to maintenance, I plan to provide the following functionality for valkey-jedis(Name to be determined):

While Fork Clients are not "elegant", I think they are advantageous both for users and for early valkey, and I don't like to talk about anything without users. I agree we have a big vision (GLIDE), but before we get there, we need a path (Fork Clients).

soloestoy commented 5 months ago

Didn't read the entire content. My opinion is that, whether we fork or redevelop, we should have our own clients to better control the ecosystem's development.

PingXie commented 5 months ago

I see some major decisions for @valkey-io/core-team.

  1. forking a client under Valkey. Forking itself is not but forking under Valkey IMO is a major decision
  2. why Jedis? why not Lettue? why Jave? why not Go?
  3. naming. I don't like keeping Jedis. There can be a way to respect history but also start something new. Also there could be trademark risks now that Jedis is owned by Redis. The same concern applies to other clients as well.

Additionally, I think we should have a straight story on how we plan to differentiate a GLIDE based Java client in the future vs a Jedis fork, if we plan to support both in the long run. If not, what is the high level exit strategy (for whichever one to be exited).

yangbodong22011 commented 5 months ago

Jedis is a beginning (because I am familiar with it and deeply involved in it before), which does not mean that we will not consider other Forks (Lettuce, Go, or Python), but we have not encountered willing maintainers (except for me).If more and more users are proposing requirements, or if these requirements are what Valkey needs to do, I think we need to consider fork more. I believe that with the power of open source, there will be more people to maintain and modify, and refactor more fork clients.

Additionally, I think we should have a straight story on how we plan to differentiate a GLIDE based Java client in the future vs a Jedis fork, if we plan to support both in the long run. If not, what is the high level exit strategy (for whichever one to be exited).

I think there is no problem with having two types of clients for a long time. In fact, Redis even has more, such as Jedis, Lettuce, and Redisson, depending on the choice of maintainers and users, rather than what Valkey needs to decide. Of course, Valkey can regularly remove inactive clients from Valkey organization.

zuiderkwast commented 5 months ago
zuiderkwast commented 5 months ago

A Java client can be called Jackey (java valkey) and have Jackie Chan as the logo.


daniel-house commented 5 months ago

I would be much more worried about trademark enforcement from Jackie Chan than anything Redis Inc might do.

yangbodong22011 commented 5 months ago

ioredis -> iovalkey:

PingXie commented 5 months ago

After some more offline discussion, I can see more upside in forking these clients since a lot of features we are planning to work on would require client support. I am onboard with forking existing high quality OSS clients under Valkey.

I don't know about "Jackey" though :)

yangbodong22011 commented 5 months ago

ok, before we continue, I have some questions to confirm (I will write a document later for the rest of the client maintainers to refer to):

  1. About trademarks

    • Is the word Redis allowed to appear in Fork Clients?
    • if I Fork Jedis, do I allow the word Jedis to appear?
  2. About the warehouse

    • The repository will be placed under valkey, who is responsible for performing the fork operation.

I don't know about "Jackey" though :)

Is the suggested client name @zuiderkwast mentioned above, I like it, but it doesn't exist yet.

soloestoy commented 5 months ago

I think we have a clear direction. For major languages, we need to have our own clients. I suggest starting with Java :)

@valkey-io/core-team Let's have a vote on this, fork Jedis and rename it to Jackey. Give your πŸ‘ or πŸ‘Ž please.

kamikaze commented 5 months ago

yet another fork which eventally realized that forking is not enough

soloestoy commented 5 months ago

@kamikaze this is a core team vote, and we hope to conduct open voting, currently done through the use of πŸ‘ or πŸ‘Ž in comments. Perhaps in the future, we may have better methods. So please do not use πŸ‘ or πŸ‘Ž now, you can use other emojis instead :)

BTW, forking doesn't means the end. Forking and writing a new one can be done in parallel.

PingXie commented 5 months ago

@soloestoy, I think we should separate the two decisions

  1. whether to fork?
  2. what should the fork be called?

For 1) my vote is yes (and under Valkey). For 2), I am not a fan of Jackey (nor Jackie :-)) but I don't have a better name.

@yangbodong22011, I would say "jedis" should definitely not appear in the repo name. ideally, the jar name should not contain jedis as well. unfortunately, dropping/renaming "jedis" in the public interfaces such as class names would be harder to deal with for the existing jedis users IMO as this would require code change in their applications. maybe we could consider exposing two sets of interfaces, a native "XXX" interface, and a Jedis interface that wraps around the native ones?

The repository will be placed under valkey, who is responsible for performing the fork operation.

I think you can feel free to fork it under your own project while the logistics are being worked out. we should finalize on the sub-project governance first before moving clients into valkey as @madolson called out in #329

yangbodong22011 commented 5 months ago

I've created a Jedis fork here and the first compatible version will be released soon.

zuiderkwast commented 5 months ago

Haha! Regarding Jackey, I think the "likelihood of confusion" with the actor is zero so it's not a trademark issue. There might be copyright on the photo though, but there may be other photos on wikipedia, etc. with a usable license. I read Jackie Chan is involved in politics now and of course it can be controversial. Anyway, I want to encourage everyone who wants to maintain a fork and name it whatever they want.

On the other hand, we may not need to split the whole community. When we add new Valkey-specific features, I'm sure many clients will want to add them anyway. And as long as most of the users are running Redis 6, I don't think they want to abandon Redis.

Here is double-branding in progress: "Prometheus ValKey & Redis Metrics Exporter" (PR by the maintainer himself)

PingXie commented 5 months ago

everyone who wants to maintain a fork and name it whatever they want.

Sure maintainers get to choose the name but there is a nuance here. Valkey will not accept a client under its umbrella as a sub project if the name chose is not aligned with the Valkey vision/value/etc. This is by no means a major issue but just wanted to call it out for awareness

soloestoy commented 4 months ago

OK, let's vote for the first one @valkey-io/core-team , fork Jedis under Valkey. Give your πŸ‘ or πŸ‘Ž please.

enjoy-binbin commented 4 months ago

i think @yangbodong22011 will be a good maintainer πŸ‘

zuiderkwast commented 4 months ago

Related: We have a Valkey Go client with a maintainer ready to take off. It's a fork of rueidis by the original creator. See

madolson commented 4 months ago

We had a meeting with the maintainers this morning (notes to be published shortly) and we were all in broad agreement that we should start proactively forking clients. The consensus is we should talk one client per language as the "suggested" implementation". If there is interest in another client, we'd ask for the time being it be supported by the community.

aiven-sal commented 4 months ago

I would be happy to help maintaining a redis-py fork under Valkey. My employer uses it.

mkmkme commented 4 months ago

Hello! I would like to handle hiredis and hiredis-py, if these libraries are not yet taken by another person.

zuiderkwast commented 4 months ago

Hiredis is used by valkey-cli and valkey-benchmark. @michael-grunder is the maintainer of hiredis. I suppose he may want to be involved.

michael-grunder commented 4 months ago

I'm more than happy to keep maintining a valley fork of hiredis but the more the merrier.

If someone in the valley org forks hiredis into valkey-io/hivalkey we can get started on a roadmap, etc.

mkmkme commented 4 months ago

Sure, I'll be glad to help! In addition to that or as an alternative, I can join @aiven-sal with redis-py as we're coworkers :)

hwware commented 4 months ago

Honestly said, I think hiredis ->hivalkey is not a good name, because how everyone know it is a C client?

zuiderkwast commented 4 months ago

valkey-c, valkeyc?

If we call it valkey-c, what will you call the fork of hiredis-py? valkey-c-py? :laughing:

michael-grunder commented 4 months ago

It's a good point. I just figured hiredis -> hivalkey but that's because I'm boring. Also as everyone knows, naming things is one of only two hard problems in CS.

MySQL's C library is libmysqlclient so I suppose we could go with something similar like libvalkeyclient. or just libvalkey.

madolson commented 4 months ago

@mkmkme and @aiven-sal, if either of you two want to create a fork of redis-py (called valkey-py), I'll give you permissions to move it under the valkey org. Right now we are just a bit busy with other stuff, so would appreciate if you could just make that happen.

aiven-sal commented 4 months ago

I can do it! Thanks a lot!