valkey-io / valkey

A new project to resume development on the formerly open-source Redis project. We're calling it Valkey, since it's a twist on the key-value datastore.
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[NEW] Improve cluster logs #656

Open PingXie opened 2 weeks ago

PingXie commented 2 weeks ago

I think it will be good if we could standardize the logging statement, at least in cluster.c and cluster_legacy.c (which by the way should be renamed as we don't intend to deprecate the current cluster implementation any time soon, even considering the V2 work). There has been discussion in the past about using a more "structural" logging mechanism as well but I now think "incremental perfection" is more practical. What I would like to see in the server log and int the cluster topology area is:

"who" received a message from "whom" about "which node"'s "what" properties have changed from "which value" to "which other value" at "when".

Ideally, an admin can just look at a single log statement to gather all the information.

_Originally posted by @PingXie in

madolson commented 2 weeks ago

There has been discussion in the past about using a more "structural" logging mechanism as well but I now think "incremental perfection" is more practical.

I thought that the structural logging improvement was that we should have individual log levels for different sub systems so you could adjust them individually, that doesn't seem to be the same as what you are saying in the rest of your comment though.