vallettea / Twitter-Communities

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Define a Twitter user "importance" (within a graph) #6

Open vallettea opened 10 years ago

vallettea commented 10 years ago

Basing popularity on twitter is fundamentally wrong because twitter enhances the visibility of the already famous ones...

can we found a way to dodge this ?

DavidBruant commented 10 years ago This article suggests engagement over some period of time (say 3 months) as a metrics (replies+RT+favs/reach). Reach is hard to compute, but we could start with number of followers.

In this model, having more passive follower is detrimental rather than enhancing. In this model, people who make conversations are rewarded (may encourage trolling behavior, hard to say). People who make content that others fav and reshare are encouraged (which is good overall. It encourages headlines style of sharing, but if no one solved this problem we ain't going to overnight).

Maybe make a weighted pagerank where the weight is the above metrics. This would overall encourage people who make Twitter a good place with good content & conversation as well as are followed by people who also make Twitter a good place.

That could be a start at least.