vallotlab / ChromSCape

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help!shinyserver can't work #18

Closed GODCALLMEGOD closed 5 months ago

GODCALLMEGOD commented 5 months ago

dear author: I very love your package after reading your paper concerning scCUT&TAG and scCHIP-seq. But I can't use launchApp(), though I change my IP, it only sent me the same error. `The following objects are masked from ‘package:base’:

intersect, setdiff, setequal, union

Customizing AdminLTE blue skin with the current {fresh} theme Warning in sub(" \r$", "", volNames) : ' to a wide stringate '¼Ӿ
Warning: Error in sub: input string 4 is invalid 41: sub 40: shinyFiles::getVolumes() 39: server [C:\Users\win11\AppData\Local\R\win-library\4.3\ChromSCape/server.R#14] 2: shiny::runApp 1: launchApp Error in sub("
\r$", "", volNames) : input string 4 is invalid`

Pacomito commented 5 months ago

Dear God, Thank you for your message, The first message is a warning and should not be of any harm.

I think the error comes from the use of non english characters on windows by shinyFiles ( and eventually the fs package (

However this should be fixed in package fs > 1.6.2. Please close and reopen R/Rstudio and run : install.packages("fs") Then try again : library(ChromSCape); launchApp()

GODCALLMEGOD commented 5 months ago


我认为错误来自 shinyFiles (thomasp85/shinyFiles#165) 在 Windows 上使用非英文字符,最终是 fs 包 (r-lib/fs#366)。

但是,这应该在 fs > 1.6.2 包中修复。请关闭并重新打开 R/Rstudio 并运行:然后重试:install.packages("fs") library(ChromSCape); launchApp()

Thanks for your remind, now I can launch it in WSL2, and I love it to death! what a great creation! You are the tutors guiding human to search the Biological truth, give my best wishes to you!

Pacomito commented 5 months ago

Good to hear you managed to launch it, Best, Pacome